Post #31,521
3/10/02 12:56:21 AM
I am not neglecting my condition
I have been seeing a doctor and have had my medicine changed after a short hospital visit. How is that neglecting my condition?
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,524
3/10/02 10:13:57 AM
Historical context
You knew there was a problem...and let it get out of control. Maybe you've not been neglecting it for the past couple of weeks...and if so...great job...keep it up!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,554
3/10/02 7:35:13 PM
Historical out of context
I knew I had a problem, and I was seeing a doctor and tried to work through it. My former employer did not help me out, and instead heaped more work on me, in hopes that I would quit or do something they could fire me for. When I didn't quit, and I was looking for another job, they decided to make something up about me and use "suspicion" to fire me. Suspicion of what, I have no idea? I never got it in writing exactly what I was fired for, and they told unemployment it was for suspicion, as they could not offer unemployment any proof of any wrong-doing.
Now then, as to my current situation, I am recovering and not as depressed as I used to be.
Looking back, perhaps I should have quit two years ago, or talked to my doctor about having an extended short-term disability leave?
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,559
3/10/02 8:00:37 PM
Never mind.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,562
3/10/02 9:51:43 PM
"Looking back ..." - *Don't* look back so much. Move ahead.
A little story: On his initial visit, the well-groomed middle-aged gentleman, elegantly dressed in an austere black Armani suit, sat down in a polite yet reserved manner and began to relate what had brought him into the office. He spoke rather softly, in a controlled, measured voice. I ran through a list of standard questions: presenting complaint, age, background, marital status, ....
"That bitch!" he cried suddenly, his voice seething with rage. "My damn wife! EX-wife, now. She was having an affair behind my back! And after everything I did for her. That little ... that little ... SLUT!" His voice became louder, more angry, and more venomous, as for the next twenty minutes he recounted grievance after grievance against his ex-wife.
Our time was coming to a close. Realizing that he was just getting warmed up and could easily continue in this vein for hours, I redirected him. "Well, most people have difficulty adjusting to a recent divorce, and that is certainly something that we can address in future sessions," I said soothingly. "By the way, how long have you been divorced?"
"Seventeen years, last May." from pp. 149-150 of The Art of Happiness, by the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, MD. You can't change the past. What happened, happened. You can only make your life better for yourself and your family by working to change your future. Best of luck. Cheers, Scott.
Post #31,603
3/11/02 10:04:28 AM
Have you started an exercise program yet?
Such as the one you were pointed at which started out very gradually and slowly worked its way up? Or started monitoring your weight? (Not necessarily doing anything about it. Just trying to establish enough to have a baseline should you choose to.)
Combined they take all of 20 minutes per day to do. And feeling slightly more fit will pay for the effort fairly quickly.
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,654
3/11/02 1:30:03 PM
yes I have, been walking
taking a brisk walk for 15 minutes a day. Sometimes in the local mall, sometimes down the street. So far I went from 278 pounds to 274 pounds in about a week or so. I've also been watching what I eat.
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,665
3/11/02 2:12:53 PM
Sounds good
Of course watching what you eat has more to do with the weight loss than the walk.
As for monitoring your weight, note that we have a large variability from day to day, based largely on what our water retention happens to be at the moment. As a result even if your real weight is pretty steadily moving downwards, what you see day to day won't always look like it.
One solution is to just take readings once a week. A better one is to keep a moving average. The latter gives you more feedback.
To do the moving average get 10 day's weighings and take the average of them. This is your starting trend. Then every day move the trend 1/10'th of the way towards your current weight reading. (eg If your trend said 276.2 and you weigh in at 272, your next trend is 275.8.) This keeps an exponentially weighted moving average of where your weights have been. (It always lags a few days behind your real weight.)
As long as your trend moves down substantially more often than up, you are losing weight. Even if you weigh more today than yesterday, that is OK. That is a normal daily fluctuation. Even if you go 3 days at the same weight, that is fine.
And when you stop dieting, keep a record of that trend. If it goes above where you want it to be, that is an early warning that you are putting the pounds back on...
Like most things in life, weight and fitness are not a matter of seeing the light. Rather they are a matter of starting and then keeping good habits...
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman