1) NEVER mention medical condition on interview. Or on the 1st
month of the job.
2) NEVER bad mouth your previous firm.
3) NEVER admit to bad days.
4) Don't post anything on the web that could be used against you.
5) Start using a new handle now, and DENY all previous posts.
6) Ask the admin to scrub all old posts, removing your name.
7) Stop posting other places that can be used against you.
You've pointed to articles for us to read, that had "talkbacks"
on the bottom, and you really flamed some people, filled with
curses, etc. It seemed like a different persona, but I could tell
it was you. This is the type of stuff that possible employers will
crucify you with. I think the ONLY time I curse online anything
other than 'shit' is in response to CRC, which is a given.
8) Open your horizons. Your focus on Windows and VB will
isolate you to the stupid section of the computing universe.
But knowledge of Windows and VB and Unix and some type of
enterprise database (DB2 or Oracle) will make you much more
attractive. And you can learn Linux and Oracle at home, on
home equipment.