Post #31,409
3/8/02 5:54:20 PM
I know quite a few uninstalled people who don't frequent the forum.
Darrell Spice, Jr.
[link||SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
Post #31,411
3/8/02 6:04:35 PM
All I am saying
is that since the forum is Googled, and someone searches on your login ID, that eventually they will find here.
Imagine that my employer found out what I thought about them from these forums, so they decided to make stuff up about me to get rid of me? Suppose the same thing happened to BConner and others?
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
Post #31,412
3/8/02 6:06:11 PM
You're reaching...
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,427
3/8/02 7:52:21 PM
While unlikely, possible
There are many times I refrain from truly saying what I think here, on the off chance someone I don't want to see it will.
This is NOT a private forum, and there should be no expectation of privacy. So while I will occasionally ask for advice, I'll try to do it in a manner that achieves plausible deniability if I an ever called on it.
I go by a handle that is very close to my exact name, and can easily identify me. I will also forward occasional links from here when I see something that may interest a co-worker.
Also, when I get a resume for a position, I WILL Google the name and try to find out about the person. And if I see what could be threatening flame fests or signs of insanity, I will be extra careful in my dealings with that individual.
Post #31,436
3/8/02 10:13:03 PM
What he said
I'm with Barry on this one.
There seems to be a sense among some people that this is a tight little group that nobody else can look in on. Nothing's further from the truth. This is a world-viewable stage, not a quiet little alley. That most of the world isn't watching what's going on doesn't mean that they can't, and Google offers reach that this board doesn't have. Assume that anything you say here can be seen by anyone: your Mom, your next boss, your last one, your girlfriend, your next door neighbor, some kid in Malaysia.
I mind what I say, and try to stick to technical topics. Spill some, but not too much, about my personal life. Try to look like a decent guy. I'm working at faking sincerity, as once you can do that, you can do anything.
As for discrimination, I can directly thank this board, members of it, and conversations here, for my current position, knowledge used to aquire it, and tips gained since I've started.
zIWETHEY's a tool like any other. What you get from it depends on how you use it.
-- Karsten M. Self [link||] [link||[link||]] What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
Post #31,437
3/8/02 11:04:07 PM
"your Mom, ...", your grandkids, your neighbor's grandkids,
those spammers in Nigeria trying to smuggle out that mountain of money, etc. In short, soon the whole world will be able to read what we've written if they want to. And everyone living from now on. (Isn't that a scary thought!) It's getting to the point that the Web doesn't forget. And Google makes it trivial for people to find things you wrote that, in the future when you get nominated to the US Supreme Court, you wish you hadn't. ;-)
I feel a tiny bit guilty in still being anonymous to most here, but I feel that it lets me be more forthcoming about my opinions that I would be otherwise. I greatly appreciate being able to be anoymous here.
So a big "ditto" on urging self-restraint in the posting here - especially concerning personal information.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #31,446
3/9/02 12:31:15 AM
You mean other people can read this?
I thought this was all a big secret ;-)
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,447
3/9/02 1:08:06 AM
There goes any chance for
face time with Billy or Bally, I guess. But maybe not! given the culture, I see I could appeal merely to the Corporate Mission Statement (the ol 'integrity' \ufffd)
Hey! I was just kidding y'know? Devil's advocate so's to sneak in under the radar and later - skewer those Unbelievers right in their nest..!
See? I understand Corporate culture..
A?h?on, Stealth Shill
Admin: please delete after 24 hrs.
Post #31,453
3/9/02 3:57:58 AM
Oh. Rats.
So I shouldn't have posted my new pic showing I have facial hair now... :-)
Wade, who could have mentioned lots of things.
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #31,477
3/9/02 12:16:22 PM
I have an established online identity under my real name.
Had I to do it over again, I would use an anonymous pseudoname. But doing that would involve my dropping my existing one, friends, and so on. It isn't worth it to me at this point.
Cheers, Ben
PS My mother *did* find out about my online identity not long ago. She was at least somewhat pleased by it. :-)
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,494
3/9/02 3:47:10 PM
....happy to be known by the moniker often used in car games. something to be said for anonymity....
Post #31,503
3/9/02 4:42:04 PM
Won't work for you if someone really wanted to delve. You are too well known, and I've seen people use your name in response to things you've written.
Post #31,505
3/9/02 5:00:16 PM
....good responses or bad responses? ;-)
Maybe I should change my handle?
Post #31,509
3/9/02 6:47:05 PM
I think it isn't a problem
I just did a search with a real name. Found a ton of obvious stuff that wouldn't be a problem on a resume. I just put in a real name plus the moniker. Found no links on Google.
From which I conclude that continued posting with "slugbug" won't show up if anyone is checking references.
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,520
3/9/02 10:03:30 PM
tried the same thing a bit earlier and reached the same conclusion....slugger it will be then :)
Post #31,467
3/9/02 11:41:29 AM
Signs of insanity
Sometimes genius boarderlines insanity. Take me for example, suffering from depression, but still able to write good VB code. Too bad my former employer was not willing to work with the illnesses that I had and would rather overwork me to build up that stress.
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
Post #31,495
3/9/02 3:54:05 PM
<rant> you gotta take what life gives you and make the best of it. we all have challenges. the worst thing you can do is to keep blaming others for your situation.
scrap the negativity....take a yoga class, go to the gym, go bowling, start something/anything to start building positive energy..... </rant>
Post #31,502
3/9/02 4:40:07 PM
Doesn't matter
Dependability is far more important than genius. I know, because I AM a genius. Low grade, entry level, but still a genius.
141 on the Stanford Binet IQ test, around 1972.
An no matter how smart I am, it doesn't mean shit if I can't deliver against a deadline. I've worked with "rocket science" geniuses. Never again. They'd zone out for a few days, exploring esoteric tangents.
Mental masturbation.
Nobody pays other people to mentally maturbate. So to say some employers don't want to work with depression that borders on genius is self delusion. Employers want production, and nothing else. Anything else is a distraction to the production.
Nobody want an employee that causes societal rifts in the work place, either. Which means if you are the initial genius, you surround yourself with people like yourself as much as possible. Since it is very difficult to hire such people, your department grows very slowly, carefully. And since such people are rarely "socialized" like the rest of the world, you are willing to make allowances. But not too many.
If you are the lone genius hired into a "regular" group, you are usually treated better than the rest by the person who hired you. When my current employer read me resume, he had 2 questions:
Can he speak? Does he bath? If so, hire him.
Too many perks to an individual and the rest of the department gets pissed. That perked individual better be SO valuable to ALL people, especially the ones not getting the same perks, that they would be willing to give that person the perks. This is the ONLY situation where a lone genius will last. But if he pisses everyone else off (even the idiots), he WILL be removed, no matter how productive. A VERY difficult lesson for a genuis to learn. Then politics come into play.
So you then attempt to build a group around you, as stated above, but then ALL other departments feel the pressure. They can't produce as much, or as fast, or as well, so they complain about dress, hours, and attitude.
So eventually there will be a power struggle, departments will be split apart, joined to others, and certain individuals will be either fired or promoted. All this SHOULD be based on your ability to add to the bottom line. Sometimes it is based on the person at the top, and their attitudes. A small amount of ass kissing combined with a good track record for making money will beat a lot of ass kissing with no track record. But NO ass kissing combined with almost anything else (making money or not) will usually get you canned, since the person in charge needs to be able to communicate with you and trust you, and it is unlikely any previous communication led to trust, since there was no shmoozing involved.
I've also met others who make me feel stupid. Ben Tilly is one of them. And I'd hire him in a second. And he doesn't make me feel stupid by one upping and digging into my lack of knowledge. He does it merely by exuding information, logically arguing, and not taking shit from bigoted idiots.
Speaking of which: Ben, isn't time for your wife to come to a Phila medical school so I can hire you?
I've just hired a sysadmin straight out of college. The guy is smarter than me, and he knows it. It's OK. But at the same time, I had to explain why it was his job to help a moronic employee to achieve a certain task as simply as possible, and that he was not allowed to change any procedure or alter the environment in such as way that this person would be confused, no matter how trivial an alteration.
This pissed him off. This meant a bit of extra work for NO reason, at least none that could be justified in his perfect world. He though that the other employee should be fired if she was too stupid to handle a trivial change.
I explained that she was far more valuable than him, in regard to business knowledge, and we could trust her to accomplish certain tasks that would take others months to figure out. And the only time he was allowed to modify her environment was when he fully automated her out of existance, no sooner. And even then, we'd find something else for her to do, so don't think we are getting rid of her.
I always worry about saying anything to you, thinking I'll push you over the edge. So I probably will stop responding to this thread at this point.
Post #31,507
3/9/02 6:06:27 PM
So basically I'm screwed
because of my depression? Is that why I can't get hired? I work, but I have "off days" were it is hard to concentrate and I cannot work as fast as my "on days". I can work alone or in a group. I don't surrond myself with people exactly like me, I work in a diverse group with people of many backgrounds.
I can produce stuff, but I just can't do the impossible, which is what that law firm wanted.
Don't worry about pushing me over the edge, I have already been there and back and lived to tell about it.
I may as well file for disability, my doctor says I most likely could because of all my illnesses. Either that or sue my former employer for discriminationg against me because I had depression?
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,508
3/9/02 6:15:50 PM
Only if... continue to blame everything on your old employer and continue to neglect your condition. should be ok.
Look forward...not back.
Concentrate now on a regimen of positive thought...on the value that you bring to any new environment. If you can make VB stand up and dance...then tell the prospective employers that in your cover letters. Focus on that in your interviews.
You have a history of depression. Make sure that between you and your doctors you keep it just that...a history.
Thats my pep talk for the day. And I'm infinitely less expensive than any professional ;)
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,521
3/10/02 12:56:21 AM
I am not neglecting my condition
I have been seeing a doctor and have had my medicine changed after a short hospital visit. How is that neglecting my condition?
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,524
3/10/02 10:13:57 AM
Historical context
You knew there was a problem...and let it get out of control. Maybe you've not been neglecting it for the past couple of weeks...and if so...great job...keep it up!
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,554
3/10/02 7:35:13 PM
Historical out of context
I knew I had a problem, and I was seeing a doctor and tried to work through it. My former employer did not help me out, and instead heaped more work on me, in hopes that I would quit or do something they could fire me for. When I didn't quit, and I was looking for another job, they decided to make something up about me and use "suspicion" to fire me. Suspicion of what, I have no idea? I never got it in writing exactly what I was fired for, and they told unemployment it was for suspicion, as they could not offer unemployment any proof of any wrong-doing.
Now then, as to my current situation, I am recovering and not as depressed as I used to be.
Looking back, perhaps I should have quit two years ago, or talked to my doctor about having an extended short-term disability leave?
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,559
3/10/02 8:00:37 PM
Never mind.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,562
3/10/02 9:51:43 PM
"Looking back ..." - *Don't* look back so much. Move ahead.
A little story: On his initial visit, the well-groomed middle-aged gentleman, elegantly dressed in an austere black Armani suit, sat down in a polite yet reserved manner and began to relate what had brought him into the office. He spoke rather softly, in a controlled, measured voice. I ran through a list of standard questions: presenting complaint, age, background, marital status, ....
"That bitch!" he cried suddenly, his voice seething with rage. "My damn wife! EX-wife, now. She was having an affair behind my back! And after everything I did for her. That little ... that little ... SLUT!" His voice became louder, more angry, and more venomous, as for the next twenty minutes he recounted grievance after grievance against his ex-wife.
Our time was coming to a close. Realizing that he was just getting warmed up and could easily continue in this vein for hours, I redirected him. "Well, most people have difficulty adjusting to a recent divorce, and that is certainly something that we can address in future sessions," I said soothingly. "By the way, how long have you been divorced?"
"Seventeen years, last May." from pp. 149-150 of The Art of Happiness, by the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, MD. You can't change the past. What happened, happened. You can only make your life better for yourself and your family by working to change your future. Best of luck. Cheers, Scott.
Post #31,603
3/11/02 10:04:28 AM
Have you started an exercise program yet?
Such as the one you were pointed at which started out very gradually and slowly worked its way up? Or started monitoring your weight? (Not necessarily doing anything about it. Just trying to establish enough to have a baseline should you choose to.)
Combined they take all of 20 minutes per day to do. And feeling slightly more fit will pay for the effort fairly quickly.
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,654
3/11/02 1:30:03 PM
yes I have, been walking
taking a brisk walk for 15 minutes a day. Sometimes in the local mall, sometimes down the street. So far I went from 278 pounds to 274 pounds in about a week or so. I've also been watching what I eat.
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,665
3/11/02 2:12:53 PM
Sounds good
Of course watching what you eat has more to do with the weight loss than the walk.
As for monitoring your weight, note that we have a large variability from day to day, based largely on what our water retention happens to be at the moment. As a result even if your real weight is pretty steadily moving downwards, what you see day to day won't always look like it.
One solution is to just take readings once a week. A better one is to keep a moving average. The latter gives you more feedback.
To do the moving average get 10 day's weighings and take the average of them. This is your starting trend. Then every day move the trend 1/10'th of the way towards your current weight reading. (eg If your trend said 276.2 and you weigh in at 272, your next trend is 275.8.) This keeps an exponentially weighted moving average of where your weights have been. (It always lags a few days behind your real weight.)
As long as your trend moves down substantially more often than up, you are losing weight. Even if you weigh more today than yesterday, that is OK. That is a normal daily fluctuation. Even if you go 3 days at the same weight, that is fine.
And when you stop dieting, keep a record of that trend. If it goes above where you want it to be, that is an early warning that you are putting the pounds back on...
Like most things in life, weight and fitness are not a matter of seeing the light. Rather they are a matter of starting and then keeping good habits...
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,517
3/9/02 9:01:36 PM
No, but you need to take steps
1) NEVER mention medical condition on interview. Or on the 1st month of the job. 2) NEVER bad mouth your previous firm. 3) NEVER admit to bad days. 4) Don't post anything on the web that could be used against you. 5) Start using a new handle now, and DENY all previous posts. 6) Ask the admin to scrub all old posts, removing your name. 7) Stop posting other places that can be used against you. You've pointed to articles for us to read, that had "talkbacks" on the bottom, and you really flamed some people, filled with curses, etc. It seemed like a different persona, but I could tell it was you. This is the type of stuff that possible employers will crucify you with. I think the ONLY time I curse online anything other than 'shit' is in response to CRC, which is a given. 8) Open your horizons. Your focus on Windows and VB will isolate you to the stupid section of the computing universe. But knowledge of Windows and VB and Unix and some type of enterprise database (DB2 or Oracle) will make you much more attractive. And you can learn Linux and Oracle at home, on home equipment.
Post #31,519
3/9/02 9:57:09 PM
I suppose I'm fairly lucky... that I selected a moniker that based upon my name...but common enough a phrase that a google search turns up my enrollment in Nicks enrollment in ezboard...and then a boatload of other stuff not related to me.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #31,513
3/9/02 7:46:34 PM
It isn't me you have to convince, it is my wife. And she didn't get any interviews in philly. :-(
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #31,577
3/10/02 11:27:51 PM
Really doubt it
Since I made very few posts BEFORE my de-installation. And in the ones I did make, I don't think ANY of them had any references to my "current" employer at the time.
Still, it raises a good point - how do I come up with an anonymous sig, let IWETHEY know who I am, but in such a way that outsiders won't be able to link my new sig to my former sig?
BConnors "Beating plowshares into swords for the tired old men we elected king" - Don Henley
Post #31,593
3/11/02 9:04:57 AM
via mailing list
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
Post #31,712
3/11/02 5:21:45 PM
I'm working on it
But in the past year I've posted a fair amount here under first initial and last name which, to anyone with time, Google, and my resume, puts it all together way too easily for me to say "It must be some other guy". Obviously, I never thought someone would WANT to check it all out but now that I know that they can, I can't hide my past. SO...what to do? I'm open to suggestions.
BConnors - who will not quote Don Henley anymore, even though I can't get his song out of my head today.
Post #31,719
3/11/02 5:30:44 PM
You could ask Google to remove your pages.
[link||Here] are instructions for telling Google not to index your site.
Presumably you'd have to send similar requests to the other indexes out there, and adjust your HTML as appropriate.
Now if Scott can be convinced to forbid Google from scanning IWeThey, you might be in business....
It's a tough problem. I don't know of a good solution.
Good luck.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #31,754
3/11/02 8:57:16 PM
The Evil Twin Syndrome
That wasn't NKing, that was the evil twin of NKing that made those posts. Yeah, that's the ticket! He somehow hacked my passwords and tried to make me look bad!
Ah anyway, you could always go back and edit your posts here or remove your web pages and replace them with "under construction" dummy pages and resubmit them to Google. If you edit a post, doesn't it resubmit it to Googgle?
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,775
3/11/02 11:59:06 PM
Well, I can't remember the ethnicity right off,
but Nki Ng isn't an entirely implausible name in some contexts.
I seriously doubt that a substantial number of employers are looking us up here, but this isn't private. I try to stay relatively mellow here, using my real name. A certain level of accountability tends to mellow a forum.
When I was doing Slashdot, and a few similar fora, I used a 'nym that is quite ungooglable. I still didn't go overboard, because that isn't my style, but I wasn't quite as careful.
---- United we stand
Divided we dominate the planet without really trying
Post #32,009
3/13/02 12:02:19 PM
Will Google remove the pages for a specific person?
Or would they have to remove all links to IWETHEY? I certainly wouldn't want that to happen.
What about our earlier rendition on EZBoard? Can anything be done there?
Finally, who do I contact to request replacing any current references to me with an anonymous psuedonym?
BConnors for the last time, I hope
Post #32,011
3/13/02 12:12:47 PM
Best thing you can do
is change your handle, like I did and hope that your old posts aren't scanned in Google before the good posts are.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #32,017
3/13/02 12:37:41 PM
See below.
Trying to find an email for our admin to request a complete name swap (if possible). I just sent an email to Karsten to make a note of this on the next IWETHEY mailer.
Beetlejuice "It's Showtime!"
Post #32,018
3/13/02 12:39:45 PM
Damn - previously logged in as... (nomsg)
Beetlejuice "It's Showtime!"
Post #32,040
3/13/02 1:46:54 PM
Good name,
heh heh heh. Obviously the "cartoon" version rather than the "movie" version. As the "movie" version spelled his name differently.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #32,041
3/13/02 1:48:04 PM
What a juxtaposition...
[link||Betelgeuse] is an orange colored star in the constellation Orion in fact marking the left armpit of Orion.
Your spelling of the name may vary! :)
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #32,052
3/13/02 2:58:57 PM
Attention K-Mart shoppers!
Hmmm, yeah I hadn't thought of that. Heh heh, next there will be an Antaeries or Rigel handle?
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
Post #31,773
3/11/02 11:48:21 PM
So change your nick now
Let the world of iwethey figure out who you are. May I suggest my all time favorite never used nick, SABHIMS*
*Suck a big hole in my shorts.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
Post #31,804
3/12/02 10:15:10 AM
Would anyone care if I changed mine?
I have two other handles I could go by. One you guys hated, and the other was kinda so-so.
"Will work for fair salary and benefits, seeking company with integrity."
Post #31,808
3/12/02 10:43:27 AM
What's it matter whether we like it or not?
Change it if you want. Pick what you like and to hell with anyone who doesn't like it. I think we'll figure out it's you from your posts.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
Post #31,812
3/12/02 10:56:40 AM
Go for it, orion.
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." -- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Post #31,847
3/12/02 1:30:10 PM
Your wish is my command. :)
I am now using my nickname "Orion".
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.