I think we need more open source money programs out there. If I knew OOP and OOP language better (C++, Java, etc) I'd make an attempt at writing my own.[link|ftp://ftpd.borland.com/download/kylix/openedition/kylix_oe.tar.gz|[link|ftp://ftpd.borland.com/download/kylix/openedition/kylix_oe.tar.gz|ftp://ftpd.borland...ix_oe.tar.gz]] -- it's out! (Finally! :-)
Use it more or less as if it were VB. Show the world and yourself that you aren't as dumb as Bryce:
That *you*, unlike him, *can* handle := for assignments and semi-colons between statements.
My offer of free "consulting" still stands.
So what are you waiting for? Go for it!