And then there's Arkansas.
AP via [link||Yahoo biz]:
Arkansas wants to produce cars instead of cotton in a 1,700-acre field near the Mississippi River, but two recent rejections by Toyota Motor Corp. have raised worries -- even by the mayor -- that local workers aren't up to the task.
"I think this part of the state has a disproportionate number of uneducated or undereducated residents, maybe even unmotivated," Marion Mayor Frank Fogleman said. "I do think the workforce in this area exists that could adequately serve a Toyota-type industry, though."
Twice since 2003, Toyota has looked hard at Marion, a town blessed with easy access to two cross-country interstate highways, four railroads, the nation's longest river and an international airport at Memphis, Tenn.
How bad can it be if you can't even do auto assembly? Righty tighty, lefty loosy? :)
When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis