Bummer all around.. sorry you have to go through all this trauma so early-on, too.
Having just corrected her, I couldn't remotely have anticipated the next events, either.

Methinks cats grok physics just a whole lot better than our canine buddies :-/
Still, sometimes it's a tossup: as, comparing those photos of frisbee catching VS the cat dances (permutations all-around the apogee of their in-flight CG.)

May her recovery prove surprising.. (say, somewhat feline-like?) Ex:
When I brought Sierra home after an\ufffdsthesia for a cyst removal (and teeth cleaning - while 'out') - she went right for the food dish. I never noticed her seeming in pain from the multiple staples across a shaved rectangle .. (fortunately -I guess- cats aren't vain: she looked ridiculous!) and she didn't need the cat tranqs supplied, from day 1. Nary a whinge. As the surgeon runs a clean opertory - she needed no 'preventive' antibiotics and he had the good sense not to recommend such, either - I'm sticking with That vet. Natch I watched for any sign of infection/fever etc.

('Course, Science demanded - under waste-not; want-not rulez, too! - that I sample these 1 mg. tranqs, said to be a current fav of the plugged-in blas\ufffd modrin frat folk. I can report that: a couple of these, per quite-a-few more kg of body weight, in which to dilute them - provide a simulacrum of the Good Stuff.) ;^>

May Sophie do as well! -

