shit. The Economist is not exactly a great place to get advice from. It can be a great place to get information from, but their track record on advice sucks rocks big time, and has for years now. It was very very clear to me that the Iraq case was bogus, and it was certainly very clear to the majority of Canadians, and looking at the world reaction in the runup to that steaming pile it was pretty clear to most people in the West that the cabal was using fear to stampede your country into a strategic error of monstrous proportions.
Tenet participated in it, when he could have saved your country enormous heartache and pain. He could have sunk them by doing the principled thing, which would have permitted the U.S. to put the resources into the real w.o.t. instead of the massive clusterfuck that you're involved in in Mesopotamia. Instead, he let his groupthink and need to support the team at all costs to keep his job going blind him to the very real and obvious (I mean, look at what I predicted would happen; I'm far from some ivy-league policy expert and I got it better than those guys did) consequences of that decision to your country.
As for what your media was saying, the object lesson to the American People of this is that you (as in, your citizenry) need to abandon them in favour of other sources of information and/or use the public ownership of the airwaves to punt those motherfuckers out so that you can get some truth-tellers on the tube instead of the corporate flack soothsayers that you've got now.