Post #279,632
3/26/07 4:17:33 PM

he'll say it to you
but for you to actually do it is something completely against your nature.
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a Citizen of the United States.
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Post #279,646
3/26/07 6:12:19 PM

Well congratulations, Captain Obvious!
Or is that Obvious Man, superhero with a slightly bedraggled cape?
So what the fuck did *you* think my post meant? Or is it just that you have some unstoppable urge to restate everything I say in simpler -- i.e, more mundane and boring -- terms?
What for; just so you can be sure you understood it...?
[Apologies to Bryce and the Other Scott -- but I'm only pointing it out; it's him that's usurping your titles!]
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Ah, the Germans: Masters of Convoluted Simplification. — [link||Jehovah]
Post #279,656
3/26/07 8:36:07 PM

Well congratulations, Captain Obvious!
----------------------------------------- Draft Clark [link||now].
Post #279,666
3/26/07 9:45:56 PM

You sure are on the rag lately
what the fuck's your problem?
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a Citizen of the United States.
[link||contact me]
Post #279,667
3/26/07 9:48:20 PM

He had something that tasted like:
Bat Shit.
Just accept he is that way and ignore it. Or just accept that is the way he is and take it as a badge of honor he would berate you. Or just ignore it.
But of course, you realize, this means WAR!
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyFreedom is not FREE. Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars? SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;
0 rows returned.
Post #279,668
3/26/07 9:53:17 PM

Re: But of course, you realize, this means WAR!
No it doesn't.
He's never been worth it before, and sure as shit ain't worth it now. After all, he's nothing but a fucking economist, which is really just an overpaid weatherman.
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a Citizen of the United States.
[link||contact me]
Post #279,672
3/26/07 10:03:19 PM

ooohhh! poking the badger with an ugly stick /me flees
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep
reach me at [link||]
Post #279,786
3/27/07 3:44:52 PM

Re: ooohhh! poking the badger with an ugly stick /me flees
Hey - YOU started it! ;-)
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a Citizen of the United States.
[link||contact me]
Post #280,474
4/3/07 3:42:38 PM

ICyanLRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #280473 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=280473|ICyanLRPD]
jb4 "It's hard for me, you know, living in this beautiful White House, to give you a firsthand assessment." — George W. Bush, when asked if he believed Iraq was in a state of civil war (Newsweek, 26 Feb 07)
Post #279,815
3/27/07 6:28:07 PM

I think that's bat *barf* you're thinking of, not bat shit.
And Brian is bat-shit crazy enough for all of us, so none of that is needed anyway.
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Ah, the Germans: Masters of Convoluted Simplification. — [link||Jehovah]
Post #279,895
3/28/07 4:40:10 PM

The world would be a much better place
if you took Boxley's afvice frequently and shut the fuck up as often as possible.
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
I am not merely a "consumer" or a "taxpayer". I am a Citizen of the United States.
[link||contact me]
Post #279,904
3/28/07 5:32:06 PM

If you don't get along with CRC, don't respond to him. And vice versa.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #279,914
3/28/07 8:45:58 PM

CRC never backs down. You know that.
Brian should just ignore him. (Yes this coming from the DRL chaser-awayer)
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyFreedom is not FREE. Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars? SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;
0 rows returned.
Post #279,939
3/29/07 6:55:54 AM

Do too.
Post #279,940
3/29/07 7:04:23 AM

----------------------------------------- Draft Clark [link||now].
Post #279,947
3/29/07 9:40:02 AM

Nuh, uh!
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyFreedom is not FREE. Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars? SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;
0 rows returned.
Post #279,681
3/26/07 10:40:50 PM

Oh, please elaborate...
Post #279,699
3/27/07 1:40:54 AM

Got the painters in... the long house, rag week, etc.
Linc was insinuating that CRC was pre-menstrual, in response to having his obviousness revealed.
Peter [link||Don't Let The Terrorists Win] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes! [link||A better terminal emulator] [image||0|Darwinia||]
Post #279,711
3/27/07 7:22:47 AM

How could it mean pre-menstrual? You wouldn't need the rag at that point.
Post #279,717
3/27/07 8:23:32 AM

You're telling that to someone who likes to dissect frogs...
Post #279,783
3/27/07 3:27:18 PM

Yes Peter, I know what it means
It's just a tad degrading, hence my outrage.
Post #279,796
3/27/07 4:48:32 PM

Agreed, a slovenly choice of metaphor -
but then, ~slovenly oft happens when ... a witty barb is parried sans thought, by a dull sword. No?
Vengeance is a dish which should be eaten cold..
utter what the surly/boring mob ever yearns to dump on The French.. all you like -- but, Ils ont notre nombre, dans chaque \ufffdv\ufffdnement. ie. They have Our Number! in any event. ;^>