Scott, I think you hit on something. I know it helps to "soundboard" things for me, at least it always has, and I never substitute it for real therapy, I promise, Laura. Soundboarding always seems to bring up insights that somewhere, I just missed, and someone else points it out and directs me there.
And it worked this time too. :) Scott, you referred me back to my post about "watching over" mom and dad, and I think that hit it somewhat on the nail head. I think I saw all the things that went down with the funeral, and well, I see that in my future. I wasn't putting it in those terms until you directed me there though. But yes, I'm scared about losing mom and dad, and I'm scared about being too dependent on mom and dad, and also scared about not taking care of them enough. It's a huge job to put on someone of my emotional stability, even if my brother thinks I'm "adult enough and mature enough." I think maybe he and I should talk again about this and reduce my "watching over" role some.
So here I thought I was reacting to the funeral and everyone's grief and loss and now that Scott gave me that insight, I think it's really about my own future with mom and dad. I think I'm worrying in that direction more, when to help, when not to, when can I back off and take care of me and John more, etc.
My husband read my dupe post in HT this morning and told me that he thinks most of the problem is that we've been reacting to in-family crisises for so long lately, that we don't know how to just be "typical" with each other (family included). I think that's true, but I also think it could be a mind over matter thing with me. If I focus on what Laura says, what's the worst that can happen, well, I've seen the worst in one respect and lived it through someone else. If I can handle that, why should I be worried?
I'm not really having actual panic attacks, BTW, in fact, I've been braver lately than I have in some time panic-wise. But Imric, I think you're right, I am having a lot of stress and it's causing me undue anxiety and affecting my health. And Scott, I can't really do Yoga, but I have been neglecting my "relax" cues at my computer lately, so that also kicked me in the brain to remember to pay attention to them not just turn them off, and do the actual exercises when they cue me.
I had worked something out with mom before this family crisis hit, where I didn't have to call her around the same time every day and check in, and when the crisis kicked in, it went right back to the old check in routine. I think I'll start by telling her I'd like to do that again, (not have a set time to call and check in), that would be a start of not feeling so "should do this" in at least that area.
And part of me also believes if I could get enough sleep (get caught up) and just have a week or so with no more "family" urgencies to handle, I might actually come down from this "stress-induced" fog. It's sort of felt like I was in a speeding car driving relentlessly, and now someone just showed me how to shift gears and get into the slow lane. ;)
And now that I think it's probably about either losing mom or dad or them not being able to do the things they used to with me, or for me, I have a better focus to work on. Maybe I need to direct it that way, because they will not be here forever, and if I depend on certain things with them to make holidays great, then the holidays will be forever grim when they aren't able or aren't here to share them.
In the words of my husband last year, when Christmas was falling apart in New Mexico, "we have to make our own NEW traditions."
I do have one question though, when your parents become unable to do things like they used to, and you have to start caring for them more or doing things without them, is that a sort of grieving process too? I've read a lot about losing someone, but not much about how to cope when they aren't capable of being themselves anymore.
Beep, I agree with your post too, I need to find a release. I haven't really been talking about all this since the funeral because there hasn't been hardly any time to talk about it with family or John, or even barely to post anything, so I think bottling it up inside and pretending it wasn't hurting was counter-productive. Now at least it's out in the open, in my group, and my family will see it and John knows and promised me we would talk about some of this soon. He promised that we'll make time.
Thanks all, for being a sounding board and helping me get a better concept of why or what is causing these feelings, and I will definitely talk to my doctor and ask him about maybe putting me back on the anxiety reducer till I get over this hurdle. But I think knowing why and being able to target it directly is half of the leap. ;)
Sometimes all you need to get another kick-start is for your feelings to be acknowledged and validated, and I thank you for that.
And sometimes you need a virtual kick in your behind from someone like Boxley, Ashton Peter, or Conrad to tell you to get up off your behind and keep on plugging along. ;)
Anyway, thanks, you've all given me a lot to think about and a great deal of insight to contemplate. :)