(I'm just musing - I haven't looked into this in any detail yet.)
One the one hand, being able to run Linux on it would potentially allow one to get around any DRM issues. On the other hand, I would think having a Blu-Ray player in a PC would give one more options. On the other paw </Hugh-mode>, a bird in the hand and all that.
I'm still not convinced that now's the time to be seriously considering a PS3. I remember that one of the early appealing aspects of the PS2 was the DVD player. That benefit sounded great in principle, but stand-alone players were soon available with more features for a lower price. What with the format war between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, without an additional compelling need (like the desire for an all-in-one networked box) it strikes me as a risky proposition.
(Who thinks Blu-Ray players will drop in price very quickly once they get better at making the blue lasers.)