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[link|http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003336906_busdriver02e.html|Seattle Times]:

According to Issaquah School District officials, the incident happened when a district school bus stopped for the president's motorcade while returning from a field trip in Seattle.

As the president waved to the school children from his limousine, the bus driver made an obscene gesture, said Sara Niegowski, a spokeswoman for the district.

Bush was in Seattle attending a fundraiser for Congressman Dave Reichert, who was riding in the same limousine.

Reichert campaign officials confirm that Bush told Reichert about the gesture and that the congressman later called Issaquah's superintendent to let her know about the incident.

But the district had been informed by other staff the same day it happened, Niegowski said. It investigated and found evidence pointing to "unprofessional conduct" from the driver, she said.

The 43-year-old driver, with the district since 1999, was fired in September. "This incident has to do with the responsibility of an employee who is supervising students to act professionally and serve as a role model for appropriate behavior," said Issaquah Superintendent Janet Barry. "This was part of a pattern of behavior with this particular bus driver, not an isolated incident."


"There's only one individual who saw this and it happens to be the president of the United States," Dugovich said. "We're interested in saving her employment."

Barry said she personally knows Reichert from his days serving as King County Sheriff when they discussed school resource officers. Reichert called as a courtesy, Barry said.

"He never discussed his view or suggested what action he thought would be appropriate to take," Barry said. "He reported the incident believing \ufffd rightly \ufffd that I would want to know this occurred, that as a steward of children and public resources, one of my employees had acted inappropriately in her job capacity."

Barry reiterated that the decision to terminate the employee was not motivated by any political reason.

"If the bus driver had made the gesture to a driver who cut her off on a local road, we would have taken the same action," Barry said.

1) It wasn't a safety issue - the bus was stopped.
2) The local representative tattled on her after being told about it by Bush.
3) They also heard about it from "other staff".

She shouldn't have been fired over a triviality like this, and I hope she gets her job back.

The school superintendent should probably be voted out too, IMO.

My $0.02.

New Right
Not an isolated incident, pattern of behavior.

leads to

No penalty.

Go ahead kids! There is no such thing as appropriate behavior. We'll teach you this by example.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New Penalty only comes when Pol gets involved. Hmmm.
New Show patience until..
..you give a real show of inappropriate.

Then you act.

But now it was Bush...everyone hates Bush...so you have to let it slide...lest the bleeding hearts come out the woodwork?

Back to post one.

Catch a 12 year old saying F*** You to an adult. Do you punish? Or do you only punish if it was said to anyone OTHER than POTUS? With POTUS, you get rewarded?

Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New POTUS didn't complain to the school board...
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

If you believe the Seattle Times story, the kids didn't see the gesture in question.

I doubt that she would have been fired if the Representative (who didn't see the gesture himself) didn't have a personal relationship with the School Board Superintendent, but we'll never know.

Yes, as a representative of the schools, the driver has a responsibility to be a good role model. I just think that this incident shows more signs of political influence than "protecting the children" or some such.

There is such a thing as a resonable reaction (e.g. a talking-to).

New In-Your-mind that it's about Shrub's earned obloquy
Wouldn't matter whether Clinton or JFK - certainly not to me.

Try to look at it this way, for a change - and stop reading all-purpose concrete behavioural homilies to yourself:

You're stopped in traffic.
(Maybe you know it's for a motorcade? maybe not.)

The POTUStean One drives.. by.. on a Recruiting Tour ==> Political Hat In Place, cha cha cha
(slowly, was it.. or Fast?)

You know that your chances ever of having even a 13 sec converstaion with this figurehead are exactly 1/0, but:
Here. He. Be.

You have a couple seconds to rack brain for:
What-to-do-???-besides-Nothing -
(Ever a free citizen's minute-by-minute choice nay, the necessity of all liff.)

What SIGN can you send instantly that says, ~ "I disagree with most-all you stand for." ?

I listed the options, earlier. Presumably though, within your ineluctable Authoritarian compass:

(I may make-up-your answer, as you are always imputing simplistic skogan motives and mob-grade mentality to antagonists. Eye for an eye - got that from the Good Book.)

If: she had turned thumb decidedly DOWN.. that too would have been impermissible.

Natch too, you elide the various photo-evidence of the Satanic Duo each whipping out *his* digit from the holster == it's OK for them to evince displeasure in a simple earthy way, but not a school bus driver. ('Course the audience guffawed at the POTUS' rather inapproriate mike test / betcha though, had the bus driver done. it. right. there. for the same 'testing purpose': there would have been stern homilies leaking all over the floor.)

Er, make up your mind on this goose/gander thing too, OK?

Pretty FUCKING petty, though not unexpected from this whiny wastrel - to make even the slightest remark on this insignificant event UNLESS MIRTHFULLY; ie not VINDICTIVELY. Bloody hyocrite that he is.
New And you continue
to try and justify inappropriate simply as a "political act"...ignoring the simplicity of the point that the object of driver's ire is irrelevent (inappropriate IS inappropriate, regardless)

and then you go down that even more tawdry path of "well THEY do it!" (sure son, the Japanese children kill themselves regularly...since THEY'RE doing it...it must be ok)

Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
New I've seen more on local news about this
And find myself disgusted at Reichert riding this politically for all it is worth. Using it to whip up supporters at speeches and such. It doesn't reflect well on his character either. A little tit for tat on his part making sure he see's to it that the bus driver is fired. Bush could do with seeing more citizens flip him the bird although school bus drivers on duty should refrain.

I find myself thinking that the driver in question definitely deserves disciplinary action, but probably ought not to be fired unless there is an established pattern of behavior. This is probably influenced to some degree by Reichert's repeatedly using her as a trophy for the self righteous (probably meth using and gay prostitute patronizing) "moral values" crowd.

[link|http://www.blackbagops.net|Black Bag Operations Log]

[link|http://www.objectiveclips.com|Artificial Intelligence]

Expand Edited by tuberculosis Aug. 21, 2007, 06:28:36 AM EDT
New so...let's get this straight....
The only person to see and report this incident is the President of the US?

And he's reporting on an incident of a LOCAL school bus driver?

What? Did she refuse to give him a blow-job or something?
New Re-read the Seattle Times story.
My reading: Only POTUS saw it, he told local rep who was in the car. Kids on bus didn't see it. School board heard about it from local rep and other sources (leaving the implication that the driver perhaps told others). Local rep calls board superintendent, who he previously knew, and driver gets booted.

New My reply...yep. she didn't give him
the bj. :-)

That's the only way I could imagine a President having THAT thin a skin.

(But Jim...you don't understand. They didn't LOVE me. Why this bus driver was there giving me a finger!)
     Bus driver fired for giving Bush the bird - (lincoln) - (35)
         Fired for being a Bad Example to the Kids. -NT - (folkert)
         Good. - (bepatient) - (21)
             For some reason that "Good" fails to surprise me -NT - (rcareaga) - (20)
                 So I should sit idly by - (bepatient) - (19)
                     beats watching the kids fornicating in the back -NT - (boxley)
                     I'm lost... - (Simon_Jester) - (8)
                         I was surprised that she didn't - (lincoln)
                         Responsibility is door to door - (bepatient) - (6)
                             Surprise - I concur with beep - (jbrabeck) - (4)
                                 Me too -NT - (tuberculosis)
                                 different reason, too stupid to deny it to stupid to drive -NT - (boxley)
                                 Need more info to decide if I agree - (Silverlock) - (1)
                                     All questions answered, I disagree -NT - (Silverlock)
                             Me three -NT - (hnick)
                     got a finger for you right here - (rcareaga) - (1)
                         Cute movie. - (bepatient)
                     Really. Reaching. If not downright prissy - (Ashton) - (4)
                         There you go, assuming again. - (bepatient) - (3)
                             Concur entirely, about the BANG - (Ashton)
                             curious again... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                                 Re: curious again... - (bepatient)
                     A hand gesture, BeeP... - (jb4) - (1)
                         Read first. Post after. Been addressed. -NT - (bepatient)
         More here. - (Another Scott) - (10)
             Right - (bepatient) - (6)
                 Penalty only comes when Pol gets involved. Hmmm. -NT - (Another Scott) - (4)
                     Show patience until.. - (bepatient) - (3)
                         POTUS didn't complain to the school board... - (Another Scott)
                         In-Your-mind that it's about Shrub's earned obloquy - (Ashton) - (1)
                             And you continue - (bepatient)
                 I've seen more on local news about this - (tuberculosis)
             so...let's get this straight.... - (Simon_Jester) - (2)
                 Re-read the Seattle Times story. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     My reply...yep. she didn't give him - (Simon_Jester)
         More on Reichert (new thread) - (tuberculosis)

Yo yo yo yo yo y-y-y-y-yo.
79 ms