Thats the question being asked.
I've nowhere in this thread agreed or disagreed with the methods..or even promoted their use...only stated an understanding of the president's reasonong and desire to ensure that the rules are clear.
So in opposition I've been given...
they were unclear for 50 years before so why bother now.
we shouldn't bother asking because we know we're wrong already
asking means the President wants to torture people, and we shouldn't torture people.
Now...picture if you will (thanks Rod)...that both sides of the congress flip in November and someone then declares treatment of alwhateverhisronjeremylookinassis uncostitutional and in violation of the "blurry" rules of interrogation. The other side only has the wmd lie as an impeachable offense at the momemt...and that cannot be proven to be a "real lie" because everyone on the hill and in several other countries believed the same thing.
In this bill is pressure to legalize the wiretaps....AND to legalize the prisons.
Anybody catching on yet?