Air travel is infrastructure. It is, in and of itself, an enabling service. As bad as the management of the hub/spoke system has been, it is the height of disingenousness to blame the collapse of airlines on unions. Jesus H, man, was the Kool-Aid from your Reagan Youth club that strong? The management teams have all (personally) done extremely well. As have all passengers (wanna go from ORD to MCO for $39? No problem). It's the flight attendants, pilots, mechanics and ticket agents who have taken it in the rear. And we all benefited - er, all of us that have flown commercial in that past 15 years.
You'll love this Beep. While Dub & Co certainly have not helped commercial aviation, the true culprit, the man and the administration who more than any other began swinging the rope connected to the death bell for commercial aviation was Jimmy Carter.