Meanwhile, down the income ladder, the percentage of middle-age men who have dropped out of the labor force has doubled over the past 40 years, to over 12 percent. Many of the men have disabilities. Others struggle to find work. But in a recent dinner-party-dominating article, The Times\ufffds Louis Uchitelle and David Leonhardt describe two men who are not exactly Horatio Alger wonderboys.
Many readers no doubt observed that if today\ufffds prostate-aged moochers wanted to loaf around all day reading books and tossing off their vacuous opinions into the ether, they should have had the foresight to become newspaper columnists.
More important, this reversal is a blow to the natural order of the universe. The only comfort I\ufffdve had from these disturbing trends is another recent story in The Times. Joyce Wadler reported that women in places like the Hamptons are still bedding down with the hired help. R. Couri Hay, the society editor of Hamptons magazine, celebrated rich women\ufffds tendency to sleep with their home renovators.
Thank God somebody is standing up for traditional morality.
My take is that it's a (probably too) subtle attack on the two New York Times pieces he mentioned.