He documents the internal conflict between the neocons and big oil about Iraq. The neocons want to privatize oil so tons will flood out and collapse the price of oil. Big oil wants to keep Iraq's oil in the ground so oil's price skyrockets. Both had secret invasion plans for Iraq which he has copies of. (Big Oil's was harder to get, but once he filed a freedom of information request with the title and author, he got it.)
The neocons got their way on most things, but as your gas pump shows, big oil has proven to have sharper knives.
Lots of good information and ugly history.
He doesn't talk much about Israel's role in all of this, but it dovetails very well with [link|http://philip.greenspun.com/politics/israel/|Philip Greenspun's take on Israel]. So I combined the two and you got that post that I just wrote.