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New Enjoyed your post....but
I enjoyed reading your post, but unfortunately I think it misses the mark.
The Second World War was most definitely NOT fought according to the rule of law.
Just Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima alone are enough to justify this statement.
Funny how we get all outraged when we hear about a bunch of villagers being
mown down ........ but if we torch an entire city it is somehow not a massacre.
It just doesn't cut it to even say that the war was "mostly" fought under the rule of
law any more than it cuts it (in your eyes) to say that the prisoners in Guantanamo
are being treated "mostly within the confines of the Geneva Conventions so who cares what their label is".

We think of ourselves as being more noble and having higher morals but the truth is... when it comes to war.........we don't.

We DEFINITELY could have reduced the number of civilian casualties
in Afghanistan by choosing not to bomb the crap out of them. The reason
we took this approach was because we chose American lives over Afghanistan lives. We would rather see a thousand or so Afghanistan peasants die rather than lose 100 of our soldiers. That's the stark TRUTH.
Nobility, nobility wherefore art thou nobility?

We say we are defending "freedom". That's just very clever and effective propoganda. Something which makes us feel good about ourselves and lets us sleep better at night. That way we won't feel quite so bad about our 401k plans being in drug companies who will refuse to give a child in Africa a shot (which costs 10c to make) because they don't have the $2 being asked for it. (FYI: Africa has been getting a hard time getting access to aids-related
treatments. It has taken threats to breach patent law to put pressure on companies). It allows us to conveniently forget that for years we have supported
regimes who will not guarantee basic human rights. Freedoms have been getting STUFFED for years without us doing much more than making objections. Take South Africa ...... what did we REALLY do to help that situation along? Take Cambodia (who we incidentally bombed the shit out of). Take the massacres of Christians in Polynesia. Take the South American dictatorships who tortured their populations. Take Vietnam. Take the Falkland Islands which the British fought (a war for a bunch of crappy islands designed to let the Second and Third World know who was still in charge).
Ooooh oooooh I remember now....we were unable to do anything because they had "sovereignty". Ahhhh yes.....the same sovereignty we conveniently overlooked when we bombed the living daylights out of Yugoslavia.
Now its Afghanistan. You see......that whole sovereignty thing just isn't working for us any more so we have decided to conveniently disregard it for a while. Be assured it will be back in the future........it will reappear
when don't want to have to do something and need an excuse not to.

Let's look at the Palestinian crisis. ......for its entire opening tenure the Bush administration let those two sides just have at it. We were not at all interested. Very few Americans were writing their representatives to do something about this. Then suddenly when its clear that we have to
attack a Muslim country....its "whoa guys........your gonna have to tone this thing down!" and we are telling Israel what it can and can't do.

Now I'm not saying all this is right or all this is wrong. The point I am trying to make is that we are not defending "freedom"....we are defending *ourselves*. Let's just tell it how it is. We get involved
when we think our interests are at stake. And I am totally okay with that.
I don't need cosy "nobility" to help me sleep better or think good things about myself.

I think it is wonderful that we have at least a vision of a fairer world and try to pursue it. But war is a very, very dirty business.
It leaves us horribly torn between two evils - and we think we can have our cake and eat it too. We can't.
When the situation necessitates it we fight JUST as dirty as any other nation in the world. Believe it or not....there are those who would say that sending a guided tomahawk cruise missile is not the most noble form of warfare there is.
But it is EFFECTIVE. It is in our interests to fight this way.

Historically we have chosen to follow the rules when it was convenient and break them when it suited us. This idea that on the first of the month we were brutal aggressors....but now we are not..........we're "fair" again
now is just classic speak-out-of-both-sides-of-your-mouth hypocrisy.

We have and are killing people because they are a threat to us. They are still a threat to us. The Geneva Convention was an attempt to encourage "gentlemanly" treatment of prisoners. Prisoners who......for the most part....
had little to give in terms of information, were no longer a threat and who (most would agree) didn't deserve to suffer.
In practice there was little to be gained from the majority of prisoners.
This is not the case here....there is a LOT to be gained from the information they have.

Now..........if you are involved in plotting terrorist acts against innocent men, women and children anywhere in the world....
why do you deserve this "gentlemanly" treatment? On technical grounds it seems clear (at least to me) that they don't have a claim to it. On the moral ground ("its the right thing to do") I think they deserve it even less. They get nothing.

The next terrorist action will bring death and destruction. I would hate to be the one who has to tell a child that the reason their father had to die was because we couldn't interrogate some terrorist prisoners. Yah...I know...a bit
overly dramatic...but you get the point.

Footnote: Remeber the CIA guy who died at the prison uprising? Supposedly he was kicked to death.
--------Streak of batpiss---------
Collapse Edited by Mike Jan. 25, 2002, 10:56:07 AM EST
Enjoyed your post....but
I enjoyed reading your post, but unfortunately I think it misses the mark. The Second World War was most definitely NOT fought according to the rule of law. Just Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima alone are enough to justify this statement. Funny how we get all outraged when we hear about a bunch of villagers being mown down ........ but if we torch an entire city it is somehow not a massacre. It just doesn't cut it to even say that the war was "mostly" fought under the rule of law any more than it cuts it (in your eyes) to say that the prisoners in Guantanamo are being treated "mostly within the confines of the Geneva Conventions so cares what their label is". We think of ourselves as being more noble and having higher morals but the truth is... when it comes to war.........we don't. We DEFINITELY could have reduced the number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan by choosing not to bomb the crap out of them. The reason we took this approach was because we chose American lives over Afghanistan lives. We would rather see a thousand or so Afghanistan peasants die rather than lose 100 of our soldiers. That's the stark TRUTH. Nobility, nobility wherefore art thou nobility? We say we are defending "freedom". That's just very clever and effective propoganda. Something which makes us feel good about ourselves and lets us sleep better at night. That way we won't feel quite so bad about our 401k plans being in drug companies who will refuse to give a child in Africa a shot (which costs 10c to make) because they don't have the $2 being asked for it. (FYI: Africa has been getting a hard time getting access to aids-related treatments. It has taken threats to breach patent law to put pressure on companies). It allows us to conveniently forget that for years we have supported regimes who will not guarantee basic human rights. Freedoms have been getting STUFFED for years without us doing much more than making objections. Take South Africa ...... what did we REALLY do to help that situation along? Take Cambodia (who we incidentally bombed the shit out of). Take the massacres of Christians in Polynesia. Take the South American dictatorships who tortured their populations. Take Vietnam. Take the Falkland Islands which he British fought (a war for a bunch of crappy islands designed to let the Second and Third World know who was still in charge). Ooooh oooooh I remember now....we were unable to do anything because they had "sovereignty". Ahhhh yes..... the same sovereignty we conveniently overlooked when we bombed the living daylights out of Yugoslavia. Now its Afghanistan. You see......that whole sovereignty thing just isn't working for us any more so we have decided to conveniently disregard it for a while. Be assured it will be back in the future........it will reappear when don't want to have to do something and need an excuse not to. Let's look at the Palestinian crisis. ......for its entire opening tenure the Bush administration let those two sides just have at it. We were not at all interested. Very few Americans were writing their representatives to do something about this. Then suddenly when its clear that we have to attack a Muslim country....its "whoa guys........your gonna have to tone this thing down!" and we are telling Israel what it can and can't do. Now I'm not saying all this is right or all this is wrong. The point I am trying to make is that we are not defending "freedom"....we are defending *ourselves*. Let's just tell it how it is. We get involved when we think our interests are at stake. And I am totally okay with that interpretation. I don't need cosy "nobility" to help me sleep better or think good things about myself. I think it is wonderful that we have at least a vision of a fairer world and try to pursue it. But war is a very, very dirty business. It leaves us horribly torn between two evils - and we think we can have our cake and eat it too. We can't. When the situation necessitates it we fight JUST as dirty as any other nation in the world. Believe it or not....there are those who would say that sending a guided tomahawk cruise missile is not the most noble form of warfare there is. But it is EFFECTIVE. Again .... its in our interests to fight this way. Historically we have chosen to follow the rules when it was convenient and break them when it suited us. This idea that on the first of the month we were brutal aggressors....but now we are not..........we're "fair" again now is just classic speak-out-of-both-sides-of-your-mouth Western hypocrisy. We are killing people because they are a threat to us. They are still a threat to us. The Geneva Convention was an attempt to encourage "gentlemanly" treatment of prisoners. Prisoners who......for the most part.... had little to give in terms of information, were no longer a threat and who (most would agree) didn't deserve to suffer. Now..........if you are involved in plotting terrorist acts against innocent men, women and children anywhere in the world.... why do you deserve this "gentlemanly" treatment? On technical grounds it seems clear (at least to me) that they don't have a claim to it. On the moral ground ("its the right thing to do") I think they deserve it even less.
--------Streak of batpiss---------
New Check the treatment of POW's.
Yes, we bombed towns, villages, etc.

And if we had lost, we would have been on trial for war crimes.

"...but if we torch an entire city it is somehow not a massacre."

Maybe not to you, but it is to me.

"t just doesn't cut it to even say that the war was "mostly" fought under the rule of law any more than it cuts it (in your eyes) to say that the prisoners in Guantanamo are being treated "mostly within the confines of the Geneva Conventions so who cares what their label is"."

Why, yes it does.
For one simple fact.
I was not capable of voicing an opinion then (WWII was a bit before my time).
Now I am. And I am.

"We think of ourselves as being more noble and having higher morals but the truth is... when it comes to war.........we don't."

That is why we must follow the rules we have agreed to.
Saying that we aren't more noble is NOT a defense for not following the rules.

"We DEFINITELY could have reduced the number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan by choosing not to bomb the crap out of them."

You MUST be new here. Or haven't you been reading my posts?

"The reason we took this approach was because we chose American lives over Afghanistan lives."

No, the REAL reason is that this way is QUICKER and plays better to the masses.

"We would rather see a thousand or so Afghanistan peasants die rather than lose 100 of our soldiers."

No, we'd rather NOT WATCH any of them die. Keep them all as mere statistics. No names, no faces, no little children with their little hands blown off.
Dead Americans are ALWAYS on the news.
Achmed Jr and his missing leg aren't.

"That's the stark TRUTH."

No, that's what you believe.

"Nobility, nobility wherefore art thou nobility?"

It comes from within. It requires self sacrifice.
It does not hide behind excuses and lies so it can feel safe.
Call all you want, you'll never find it.

"We say we are defending "freedom". That's just very clever and effective propoganda."
You're starting to learn.

"Something which makes us feel good about ourselves and lets us sleep better at night."
Our freedom to feel safe.

"That way we won't feel quite so bad about our 401k..."
Life sucks.

"It allows us to conveniently forget that for years we have supported regimes who will not guarantee basic human rights."
Your education is progressing nicely.

"Freedoms have been getting STUFFED for years without us doing much more than making objections."
Don't forget about making excuses. And believing the lies that people in our government have been telling us.

a bunch of stuff from the past

"Ooooh oooooh I remember now....we were unable to do anything because they had "sovereignty"."
No, we were UNWILLING to do anything 'cause it wasn't us and we weren't up to the sacrifice involved.

"Ahhhh yes.....the same sovereignty we conveniently overlooked when we bombed the living daylights out of Yugoslavia."
If we don't watch our government, who will?

"Now its Afghanistan."
And later it will be another country.

"You see......that whole sovereignty thing just isn't working for us any more so we have decided to conveniently disregard it for a while."
You don't understand. It's only important when it's our's or our alies.

more stuff

"Now I'm not saying all this is right or all this is wrong. The point I am trying to make is that we are not defending "freedom"....we are defending *ourselves*."
No, what we are defending is our current interests.
This "war" will just make more terrorists.
More people die on the roads every year than will EVER be killed by terrorists.

"Let's just tell it how it is."
Okay, let's.

"We get involved when we think our interests are at stake."
That is correct. But that is NOT to "protect ourselves".
Will will sacrifice US troops in order to preserve our access to oil.

"I don't need cosy "nobility" to help me sleep better or think good things about myself."
I think that is termed "self-centered".

"I think it is wonderful that we have at least a vision of a fairer world and try to pursue it."
Ummmm, how do we try to persue it?
All I've seen are excuses and rationalizations for our fucking everyone else.

"But war is a very, very dirty business."
That is true.
And the best you can do in war is to hold true to your ideals and nobility.

"It leaves us horribly torn between two evils - and we think we can have our cake and eat it too."
No it does NOT!
It OFFERS two evils.
But we do not have to become the enemy to fight the enemy.

"When the situation necessitates it we fight JUST as dirty as any other nation in the world."
The problem is, that the situation almost NEVER necessitates that.
We abandon our principles immediately.
Just like we did in this instance.

"Believe it or not....there are those who would say that sending a guided tomahawk cruise missile is not the most noble form of warfare there is."
To send it against the enemy's encampment?
Or to send it against a city that houses the enemy and children?
The act itself is neutral.
Just as firing a bullet is neutral.
Hit a tin can.
Hit an attacker.
Hit a child.

"But it is EFFECTIVE."
Depends upon your definition of "effective". We've never won a war through bombing.

"It is in our interests to fight this way."
Not if we're bombing children and our interests are to abide by the rules we've agreed to.

"Historically we have chosen to follow the rules when it was convenient and break them when it suited us. "
I'm sorry, but it you only follow the rules when it's convinient, you aren't following the rules. You're doing whatever you damn well please and sometimes that coincides with the rules.

"We have and are killing people because they are a threat to us."
Really? How many times have YOU been threatened? Personally? No, the "threat" is manufactured by the politicians to manipulate you into associating yourself with undefined groups/concepts. The fact remains that we kill more people every year than terrorists do. Just counting the roads. They aren't a "threat" any more than buying lottery tickets is a "retirement investment".

"The Geneva Convention was an attempt to encourage "gentlemanly" treatment of prisoners. Prisoners who......for the most part.... had little to give in terms of information, were no longer a threat and who (most would agree) didn't deserve to suffer."
No. It was so that we could put rules in place so prisoners would have some expectation of basic human rights.

"This is not the case here....there is a LOT to be gained from the information they have."
Again, that is what the people deciding what you hear about them would have you believe.
The facts are that, if they're religious fanatics ("terrorists") then they won't talk.
Not without torture/drugs.
Which we don't condone.
Do we?

"Now..........if you are involved in plotting terrorist acts against innocent men, women and children anywhere in the world.... why do you deserve this "gentlemanly" treatment?"
Now.......if you're capable of telling who is and who isn't a terrorist, are you a mind reader?

"On technical grounds it seems clear (at least to me) that they don't have a claim to it."
On technical grounds, they're still covered under basic human rights.

"On the moral ground ("its the right thing to do") I think they deserve it even less."
The classic mistake of adjusting YOUR morality to suit THEIR morality.
Unless YOUR morality is as low as their's is.

"The next terrorist action will bring death and destruction."
Ummmm, that is their goal.

"I would hate to be the one who has to tell a child that the reason their father had to die was because we couldn't interrogate some terrorist prisoners."
Think about the CHILDREN!
But we've already been over that. If they are "terrorists", they won't talk, even under interrogation.
Would you want that same child to watch you "interrogate" the prisoner who won't talk?

"Yah...I know...a bit overly dramatic...but you get the point."
No, it usually gets down to appeals to nameless, faceless, orphans.
This isn't about rationality or morals or anything of such a high nature.
It's about how to justify your actions when you feel impotent in a world of enemies.

The truth is that that child stands more of a risk of losing Daddy 'cause some drunk got in his car than EVER losing ANYONE he knows to a terrorist attack.
But we're not focusing our efforts on "interrogating" drunks.

You are afraid.
You don't really have any reason to be afraid.
But you aren't going to react in a logical manner.
Although it will be in a predictable manner.
This is what the human animal does when a threat is perceived.
Regardless of the reality of the threat.
New Let me get this straight........
You just shared with me that the world is a fucked up place
and that we do very bad things.
And yet you seriously believe that the Second World War was
fought in a fair manner?

You're delusional.......

>>You are afraid.
.....blah blah

>>But you aren't going to react in a logical manner.
Yeah.......I see how you cut through my absent logic with a single stroke.
Scratch that...........lets make it multiple strokes.
Clean your keyboard off and try again.
--------Streak of batpiss---------
New You might want to read his post again.
He never claimed WWII was fought in a fair manner.
New You're right
...he said it was fought according to the "rule of law".

--------Streak of batpiss---------
New It's so sad when you have to resort to oocq's.
Out Of Context Quotes.

Let me repost the section you were refering to.

You said:
"There have been thousands and thousands of people whose lives have been negatively impacted.... the women of Afghanistan, the massacres of villages during conflict, the children who starved and not least those who died on September 11th...and the families they left behind."

I replies:
"Shall we discuss WWII? Millions killed. Yet we still maintained rule of law."

That seems to be a bit different from what you implied.

Shall we take the previous two sections of that discussion?

You said:
"The rule against interrogating POWs was to prevent torture of rank-and-file to obtain information about (say) future plans or existing positions."

I replied:
"Close enough."

You said:
"It was NEVER conceived that it would (or might) prevent the interrogation of a body of people who plan to (say) blow up London with a nuclear bomb."

I replied:
"And it has? How?"

Hmmm, it seems to me that the quote you quoted wasn't about FIGHTING accourding to the Rule of Law in WWII (at least not on our side).

It seems that the quote you quoted was about our TREATMENT OF THE PRISONERS AFTER THE WAR.

You've said we need to be able to "coerce" the prisoners to reveal information they might have.

You support this position by saying they MIGHT be ready to nuke cities.

You say that they've already hurt/killed/whatever THOUSANDS.

I pointed out that even after MILLIONS were killed in WWII, we still followed the rules and treated the prisoners with basic human civility (far better than they deserved, but we're representing the good guys here).

In fact, if you'd actually read my other posts, you'd see that the only reason we weren't charged with war crimes was that we were the victors in that conflict.

We are not perfect, but we can try to be better.

Rather than try to justify being worse.

But I already know your position.
New Brandi - its okay to be wrong......
.....its the denial which hurts you the most.

Brandioch: >>It seems that the quote you quoted was about our

So be it.

I see now. You're proposing that although the FIGHTING was
barbaric and ugly......afterwards the prison-taking and POW treatment
was all done according to the letter of the law.
What utter fucking trollop. What a load of I-can-imagine-
these-things-so-therefore-they-must-be-true. You fucking self-absorbed non-thinker. How warm things must be in your world. Is this a go-ahead-prove
-me-wong-I-dare-you thing? Or is this bollocks just typical self-serving shit
which I can expect to see here?
You are so delighted with yourself at having found what you think is another sliver of light in the door opening in which to put your mangy foot of lunatic logic that you forgot to pause and actually wonder whether you are correct or not.

In the department of twisting and wriggling to satisfy one's own
ego you get a perfect 10. In the department of research before doing your talking.....you get 1 for presentation (because at least *some* people could possibly be taken in by your pompous attitude).

Read on ...... and for once open up that little snot ball which your are trying to pass off for a mind.

Please, PLEASE read the link below and then maybe give yourself a day to chill out. Then reconsider.......are you really sure that your are right? And on what
do you base this? Common wisdom? Pah! You can find supporting info for Bacque yourself if you try (you won't). I'm not here to breathe life into your pathetic untrained ill-informed and largely unresearched view of the world and its history.

Nonetheless I''l try if you try to wrap your already-been-chewed brain around the following and let the rest of us know what you think:-

Extract from James Bacques "Crimes And Mercies":
For most of my life I hardly thought about the flaws in our democratic system. I thought things were bumping along not too badly until I encountered the crimes of Eisenhower and De Gaulle. Even then, I did not imagine that these crimes revealed anything important about our society today because, after all, they occurred almost half a century ago, under the tremendous force of hatred caused by war. It was only when I interviewed Drew Middleton, a star reporter for the New York Times, that I began to see how events of long ago were affecting our lives today. In Middleton's office in New York in 1988, I told him I had discovered that the US and French armies had committed enormous atrocities in Europe in 1945. Because he had written stories in 1945 denying this following his visits to the prison camps, I wanted his reaction.

In the opinion of nearly everybody in the West, the Second World War was a good war. It was necessary to defeat the utter evil of the dictators. If anyone in the post-war years doubted this, they were reminded of the pictures of emaciated bodies in Hitler's death camps. Lofty were the aims of the Allies, noble were their ideals, eloquent the expression of these ideals in such documents as the Geneva Convention, the Atlantic Charter, and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. All these were in the tradition of the liberal reforms which had succeeded in the West for many years, yet all these noble declarations were being broken by one branch of government while they were being written by another. Or, like the Geneva Convention, they were broken as soon as they became applicable. People who say anarchy is impractical are ignoring modern government where anarchy is normal, in the sense that government is constantly changing course, covering up, contradicting and reversing itself and doing these things simultaneously. The Allies clearly did not intend to keep their word in the 1940s. Why not? And why give it?
The answer to the first question is of course that people often don't keep their word, because normal human frailties prevail over the noble resolve to correct them. The more interesting question is, why make such declarations? For one thing, it is reassuring to hear them. And probably it is fun to make them. Think of the well-dressed gentlemen, arriving by limousine in English castle, French chateau or American office block with polished secretaries to sit about a gleaming table making high-toned statements about lofty purposes until lunch. Surely, to a kind of mind that is quite common, this is highly important. But there is another reason, maintained by a delusion prevalent in the West.

We see today great institutions of public opinion \ufffd among them Le Monde and the New York Times \ufffd feverishly denying the Western Allied atrocities of the post-war period against Germany. For most people in the West, the denials rest on delusion, not evidence. The question never even becomes, 'Did the Allies do such things?' because the answer has been planted in everyone's heads already. 'NO, the Allies did not, because they could not.' For instance, the eminent British historian Michael Howard, reviewing for the Times Literary Supplement a book about Allied atrocities against Germans, admitted that although he was 'an innumerate historian' unqualified to judge the crucial statistics in the book, he could 'apply the criterion of inherent probability' to refute the book.

You can buy James Bacque on Amazon.com

One more thing.....before you wimpering about James Bacque not being directly relevant to POWs blah blah blah (I see your kind every fucking day and it makes me ill) read.......

Bacque, James Other Losses
Prima Publishing 1991
Other Losses : The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths of Disarmed German Soldiers and Civilians Under General Eisenhower's Command
"This book has shaken many of the accepted views on World War II. Bacque investigates the deaths of about 1 million German soldiers and civilians in American and French concentration camps. The French and American authorities had purposely allowed prisoners to starve to death and refused them adequate housing and medical care."

...if you can get it. Naah I know the answer to that one already.

Expand Edited by Mike Jan. 28, 2002, 04:28:22 PM EST
New Post-war treatment.___Indeed.
Your reply was to Brandioch, but I followed your link.

The numbers he reports are indeed startling - about an order of magnitude larger than I had imagined / heard vague reports about over years.

This Canadian researcher appears to have spent about 2 years (and among the first English speakers there?) at the Central State Special Archive in Moscow. After reading his thesis I looked for some reviews from orgs. not necessarily dedicated to general nose-rubbing of the species into its dung. Found also this rebuttal to a book by Douglas Peifer, by James Bacque:

[link|http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~german/discuss/veday/bacque.txt|Corrections to another book with claimed errors]

This and the many mistakes in the Ambrose-Bischof book raise questions about their scholarship. In future postings, I shall if anyone asks, describe some of these very distressing errors in their book. In the meantime, the more interesting question turns on the accuracy and extent of the Soviet archives.

Here are the chief points: the archives record a death total for the Japanese prisoners that is the same as the total determined by the Japanese government; the archives show that more Poles died in the Katyn-related massacres than the Poles themselves had thought; the archives record more deaths among captured German civilians (internyrovannye) than the Adenauer government had estimated in the 1950s. These facts are doubly significant, demonstrating not only the accuracy of the archives, but also providing a second test of the accuracy of the German death totals, since all these prisoners were kept in the same camp system, many of them in the same camps at the same time.

By every test, these are by far the most complete, coherent and
accurate archives on World War Two prisoners in the whole world.
And they record an appalling atrocity by the Soviets: to the
421,000 Germans must be added all the others to a total of well
over 600,000.

I'll have to read the book, as it passes (my) first degree test for plausibility (there are so many rants that do not). Enough time has elapsed for: Bacque to be disgraced (!?) had he Bowdlerized the archival data. That I also count as (+), aided by Google search for any such accusation.. Found none such.

I'd agree that it is a rather massive rebuttal to the idea that (the US, UK, France)'s "TREATMENT OF THE PRISONERS AFTER THE WAR" bore any resemblance to the Geneva or any other convention.

I can only observe FWIW: I am shocked at the magnitude; hardly surprised at the qualitative ugliness (that I have in fact asserted on occasion): OF *FUCKING COURSE!* Muricans are as hypocritical as the rest of the species - compounded by our egregious sanctimony which is incapable of imagining that WE ARE.

This likely will deserve a thread of its own, if any others plan to read the book. I plan to. "Those who deny history" must be in a special Dantean locale way below the ones who.. won't bother even to read it: Ah but, Whose Version? (No wonder jingoistic ignorance is popular -- it's so much easier.)

But to return to the original contretemps:

You surely wouldn't suggest the "Everybody Does It" rubric for, in 2002: out-Eisenhowering Ike, would you?

Yes, we're killers. We (can) try to restrain ourselves each day, for one more day. Should we try to debrief these collected suckers? Fucking-A. Should we torture them? (And would anyone answer that positively, beyond a whisper? / or report on it after doing it?) ...

Probably this entire thread is moot, except as an effort to get the folks with the whips to try and remember that their aim was to remain human - within The Great New War Against Evil\ufffd. A certain naivete is necessary to avert madness.

Y'know? We are not ever going to find out - well, maybe after some of Our Dungeonmasters reach retirement age and write memoirs: which the next generation will dismiss as Impossible*, as in

Bacque II ?

* Muricans don't do bad things\ufffd

Share your pain over our malevolence. (When on other worlds, I never admit I am from This species - and I join in with their ridicule of those crazy destructive homo-saps and their juvenile hubris..)

just visiting

Kurt Vonnegut - ..and so it goes
(Hey at least everyone knows about Dresden - who wants to)
New Did that feel good to you?
"I see now."
Actually, I doubt you do. That's based upon the fact that you take my qoutes out of context and have trouble reading the references I've posted.

"You're proposing that although the FIGHTING was barbaric and ugly......afterwards the prison-taking and POW treatment was all done according to the letter of the law."
Let me focus on one part of your statement.
"was all done"
No. You are the one with the fantasy belief in the infallibility of this government and the people in it.
Not I.
I am the one questioning their decisions when their criteria is not made public.

"What utter fucking trollop."
Informational content == zero

"What a load of I-can-imagine-these-things-so-therefore-they-must-be-true."
Informational content == zero

"You fucking self-absorbed non-thinker."
Informational content == zero

"How warm things must be in your world."
Informational content == zero

"Is this a go-ahead-prove-me-wong-I-dare-you thing?"
Informational content == zero

"Or is this bollocks just typical self-serving shit which I can expect to see here?"
Informational content == zero

"You are so delighted with yourself at having found what you think is another sliver of light in the door opening in which to put your mangy foot of lunatic logic that you forgot to pause and actually wonder whether you are correct or not."
Informational content == zero

"In the department of twisting and wriggling to satisfy one's own ego you get a perfect 10."
Informational content == zero

"In the department of research before doing your talking.....you get 1 for presentation (because at least *some* people could possibly be taken in by your pompous attitude)."
Informational content == zero

Informational content == zero

Informational content == zero

"Read on ...... and for once open up that little snot ball which your are trying to pass off for a mind."
Informational content == zero

"Please, PLEASE read the link below and then maybe give yourself a day to chill out."
Informational content == zero

"Then reconsider.......are you really sure that your are right?"
Informational content == zero

"And on what do you base this?"
Informational content == zero

"Common wisdom?"
Informational content == zero

"Pah! You can find supporting info for Bacque yourself if you try (you won't)."
Informational content == zero

"I'm not here to breathe life into your pathetic untrained ill-informed and largely unresearched view of the world and its history."
Informational content == zero

Then we have a link to a reference saying that our people violated the Geneva Convention.

Unfortunately, I have to research this a bit before I can comment.
New Dude, it felt freakin' awesome.
It was even better the second time reading your response
because your "Informational content == zero" seemed like the next best thing to a stunned silence.

>>Unfortunately, I have to research this a bit before I can comment.
Yeah and I'm sure they'll be a public climbdown in your future if you
discover you were deluding yourself. NOT.

Expand Edited by Mike Jan. 28, 2002, 04:32:24 PM EST
New Then I am sorry for you.
You post:
"You fucking self-absorbed non-thinker."

I reply:
"Informational content == zero"

You reply:
"It was even better the second time reading your response because your "Informational content == zero" seemed like the next best thing to a stunned silence."

So you think that my replies to your personal attacks pointing out that you're saying nothin is equivalent to "stunned silence"?

Stunned by what?

Your research?

Your insight?

Your education?

Or the fact that the majority of your post seems to be direct to personal attacks against me and not at my position.

"Yeah and I'm sure they'll be a public climbdown in your future if you discover you were deluding yourself. NOT."

If I believe I am wrong, I will admit it. I have in the past.
New Re: Then I am sorry for you.
>>Or the fact that the majority of your post seems to be direct to personal >>attacks against me and not at my position.
In this thread I ripped your position on both the Geneva Convention and the treatment of prisoners during/after the WWII.
Then I ripped you when you just weren't prepared to listen.
Live with it.
Expand Edited by Mike Jan. 28, 2002, 04:31:36 PM EST
New Believe that if you wish to.
"In this thread I ripped your position on both the Geneva Convention and the treatment of prisoners during/after the WWII."

First off, I've shown that the reference you used to "counter" my position on the Geneva Convention was fundamentally flawed in that it claimed that the Geneva Convention only applied to treatment of prisoners of armies that abided by the Geneva Convention.

This is not the case and is stated as such repeatedly in the Geneva Convention.

Then you post a reference to a book stating that our treatment of prisoners was not in accourdance with the Convention.

This author's prior journalistic endevour has been questioned.

Now, I'm looking into this SINGLE PIECE OF "EVIDENCE" that you've referenced.

While it may be accurate, it is still the only work to make such claims.

Sorry, that is not YET an adequate refutal of my position.

But, you'll believe whatever you wish and make whatever claims you wish.
New Believe that if you wish to.
>>This author's prior journalistic endeavour has been questioned.
And as I pointed out - Stephen Ambrose doing the questioning made it very clear
that evidence of Allied atrocities was apparent.

>>While it may be accurate, it is still the only work to make such claims.
Not so. If you had looked you would know.

>>But, you'll believe whatever you wish
When I see evidence it influences my beliefs

>>and make whatever claims you wish.
I'll have opinions and express them.
P.S. Sorry about the ad hominem stuff but it really makes my ass clench
when somebody who is thick as pigshit in the neck of a bottle thinks they
are clever just because they went to college.
Expand Edited by Mike Jan. 28, 2002, 04:30:36 PM EST
New Please change your "PS" sig.
It's not appropriate.


New Done
You are of course, correct.
I even cleared up a few prior posts.
New Vielen danke.
New Ummm, you're wrong.
Oh, not that there are instances where we violated the rules.

But then >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such.

In fact, if you will read back over my previous posts, you will see that I said we violated the GC many times. Up to and including dropping nukes on women, children and wounded.

But since this claim will render your strawman null and void, you will continue to ignore it.

Yes, we broke the GC at times during our handling of prisoners.

But not to the degree that you've claimed.

The thing I find most amusing in this is that such actions (even if they did occure) have ZERO relevance to the current discussion.

Or do you believe that because we did it before, it is okay?

Not so. This is just some weird tangent you've gone off on to try to support your position by claiming I've taken positions that I have not.

Thrill yourself.
New One more time around
>>In fact, if you will read back over my previous posts, you will see that I >>said we violated the GC many times. Up to and including dropping nukes on >>women, children and wounded.
GC came into effect in 1950. Time to change your position?

-- Silly people make me cross --
New The phrasing, not the position.
They were adopted August 12, 1949.

We still dropped nukes on women and children and wounded.

Or do you deny that we dropped those nukes?

Maybe you don't think it was a "war crime" to do so?
New Mmmmmm much better
Yes I know.....you were the one who had the brain burp.

"The 1949 Geneva Conventions entered into force on 21 October 1950."


>>We still dropped nukes on women and children and wounded.
Un huh uh huh. And...and.....and......and another thing.....oh.....yeah...
so there. Hmmmmmm.

>>Or do you deny that we dropped those nukes?
Read my posts, silly billy.

>>Maybe you don't think it was a "war crime" to do so?
Oh you bitch.

-- Vacuous people make me very vexed --
New And.....
>>But then >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such.

You said: Shall we discuss WWII? Millions killed. Yet we still maintained rule of law.

Then......when I raised the more general breaches of international law....
you requalified your position to focus only on POWs.

When I have given you evidence that POWs were treated outside of international law.......you are now trying to say that you "never said that we NEVER did such".
Way to go. Let's just both say that the question of POW treatment NEVER came up
in EITHER of our posts. That way I can go back to my imagined world and you can go back to your imagined world (note: trying to be even handed).
You have to admit that its kinda sorta tough to reconcile that with a statement that we "maintained the rule of law".

if you want to do a better job of arguing that the Taliban are recognised and "regular army" you *could* make the point that the U.N. Security Coucil recently passed resolutions condemning the Taliban for allowing Al Quaeda to
operate on its territory. You *could* argue that if the United Nations were able to conceive that Taliban were in any way responsible.....that if the United Nations thought they were an appropriate entity to appeal to for some kind of response......that they were being recognised and as such so were all/any troops calling themselves Taliban. If the United Nations expected any kind of response it could be said that they saw evidence of legitimate authority. Apologies if this is said elsewhere.....but you made it clear in a post to BePatient that it's bad form (obsessive?) to be reading posts if you are not directly involved (hee hee).
-- Can't think of anything PC right now --
New Again?
It's called "context".

And we've already been over this.


"Then......when I raised the more general breaches of international law.... you requalified your position to focus only on POWs."

No, that was the ORIGINAL context of the discussion.

You were the one that lost it in an attempt to re-draft my position to one more suitable to your arguments.

But, as I said, that's been covered.

New Dancing on the head of a pin
If you want to say that you NEVER said something.
I'm going to point out where you did.

-- Can't think of anything PC right now --
New You post lacks content.
Or at least, it lacks a reference.

I will, once again, instruct you in the construction of a well reference posting.

Pay attention.

First, I quote the part of your post that I'm replying to:
"If you want to say that you NEVER said something. I'm going to point out where you did."

Then I reply:
What the fuck are you talking about you IDIOT!?!

Then I provide supporting material for my post.


Read that. You said I "requalified" my position to only focus on POW's.

As I noted ONLY THREE FUCKING POSTS AGO that was the CONTEXT of that discussion.

You do understand CONTEXT, don't you?

Oh, I forgot. Like Bill, you can't remember anything that is more that two posts ago.

Oh, I understand. If I say something like "cops are employed to uphold the law" and you can point to a specific instance of a cop breaking the law, then you feel that this somehow justifies your position or invalidates mine?

Or if I say that "cops have arrested people without violating their rights before", you can find someone who claims that cops have violated rights before and this supports your position or invalidates mine?

Oh, because I didn't put weasel words like "usually" or "most of the time" or "in many cases".

Is that what you're trying to say?

Sorry to interupt your fantasy world. But people don't behave like that.

I thought it was understood by most adults (well, intelligent adults).

I guess you don't fall into that "most adults" category.

Only in your fantasies is it that everyone acts the same and believes the same. In the real world, you have good people and bad people.
New You are a naughty boy
>>Oh, because I didn't put weasel words like "usually" or "most of the time" >>or "in many cases".
>>Is that what you're trying to say?
>>Sorry to interupt your fantasy world. But people don't behave like that.

This is so delicious. I can't believe I have been blessed with you.
More! More! Dude, if you want to dip your toes in the legal pond for a while you would be well advised to steer clear of the famed "weasel word" defense.
Let me guess.......you hardly ever lose an argument do you? My guess is that you kick the chessboard every time your Queen gets her skirt blown up.
Does it not strike you as ironic that in the *same* post where you are pedantically squealing about me saying you "requalified" something you also want to extend yourself the privileges of not needing to use precise language?

Mike:The Second World War was most definitely NOT fought according to the rule of law.

Brandioch, you asked me to "Check the treatment of POW's." in the TITLE to one of your posts. You are asking me to believe that what you intended for me to find was (please insert appropriate weasely word) evidence of (please insert appropriate weasely word) behavior?
If so, I think you (please insert appropriate weasely word) lying.

Brandioch:>> I pointed out that even after MILLIONS were killed in WWII, we Brandioch:>> still followed the rules and treated the prisoners with basic
Brandioch:>> human civility (far better than they deserved, but we're
Brandioch:>> representing the good guys here).

What weasely word shall we use to describe the above? Restating? Repeating?
Clarifying? Pick anyone you like. Make a new one up if you prefer.

PLEASE reconcile it with:

Brandioch:>> But then >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such.

New I think my original posts were clear enough.
"This is so delicious. I can't believe I have been blessed with you. More! More! Dude, if you want to dip your toes in the legal pond for a while you would be well advised to steer clear of the famed "weasel word" defense."

What did you intend to say?

"Let me guess.......you hardly ever lose an argument do you?"
You'd be wrong. But I don't supposed you'll believe that. You haven't so far.

"My guess is that you kick the chessboard every time your Queen gets her skirt blown up."
content == zero (again)

"Does it not strike you as ironic that in the *same* post where you are pedantically squealing about me saying you "requalified" something you also want to extend yourself the privileges of not needing to use precise language?"

In your opinion or mine?
I was talking about you taking a post of mine out of context.
That is NOT the same as you insisting that everytime I make a statement it must apply to 100% of individuals.

"In the SAME post! lmao THE FUCKING SAME POST!"

You quoted me out of context. Out of context. Deal with it.

"Mike:The Second World War was most definitely NOT fought according to the rule of law."

useless crap deleted

Brandioch:>> I pointed out that even after MILLIONS were killed in WWII, we
Brandioch:>> still followed the rules and treated the prisoners with basic
Brandioch:>> human civility (far better than they deserved, but we're
Brandioch:>> representing the good guys here).


Again, you seem to be UNABLE to grasp the simple fact that I was talking about our treatment of the POW's after the war.

In fact, I have ON SEVERAL FUCKING OCCASIONS pointed out that we dropped nukes on WOMEN, CHILDREN AND THE WOUNDED.

But that doesn't fit the point you want to make so you will ONCE AGAIN skip over it.

Unfortunately, it was the point I was making so your "rebutal" of my position keeps falling apart when I point out that what you're claiming I said was actually taken out of context.

Context. It's what you keep missing.

Reminder, I said we nuked women and children.

You said I said that we fought WWII accourding to the rules of war.

I said we nuked women and children.

You said I said we fought WWII accourding to the rules of war.

Eventually, I will have to presume that you think nuking women and children is in accourdance with the rules of war.

I would suggest you reconsider that opinion.
New Brandioch: >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such
(just thought it might help if I put it in the title....you appear
to have missed it in the last post).

>>Again, you seem to be UNABLE to grasp the simple fact that I was talking
>>about our treatment of the POW's after the war.

I think I know but I may be mistaken so tell me again.
Go ahead, restate/rephrase/repeat your position.
And then............reconcile it with........

Brandioch: >> But then >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such.


P.S. Reprise.
Brandioch: >> But then >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such.

>>In fact, I have ON SEVERAL FUCKING OCCASIONS pointed out that we dropped
I got there first. (Go check I dare ya). I thought we we're talking about POWs?
Why are you bringing this up at this point?

-- Can't think of anything PC right now --
New Again, the two post rule applies.
You can't remember anything I posted more than two posts ago.

And you're attempting to quote me out of context again.


"I got there first. (Go check I dare ya). I thought we we're talking about POWs? Why are you bringing this up at this point?"

Ah, but that's the point. You keep switching from the treatment of POW's to claiming that I'm claiming we didn't commit war crimes.

Try to keep it straight.

And in context.
New What POWs?
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Those POW's.
New Bring out the context
I'm posting the links to your posts. I've exhausted my ability
to put it into the correct context. I think you must mean some
other as yet undefined context. I think you should flush it out right now
Look......put it BACK into whatever context you see fit.
Right here. And then we can attempt to reconcile what you said.

Brandioch, you asked me to "Check the treatment of POW's." in the TITLE to one of your posts. You are asking me to believe that what you intended for me to find was (please insert appropriate weasely word) evidence of (please insert appropriate weasely word) behavior?
If so, I think you (please insert appropriate weasely word) lying.

Brandioch:>> I pointed out that even after MILLIONS were killed in WWII, we Brandioch:>> still followed the rules and treated the prisoners with basic
Brandioch:>> human civility (far better than they deserved, but we're
Brandioch:>> representing the good guys here).

What weasely word shall we use to describe the above? Restating? Repeating?
Clarifying? Pick anyone you like. Make a new one up if you prefer.

PLEASE reconcile it with:

Brandioch:>> But then >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such.

P.S. I'm not getting in the least bit impatient, honest.
Every time you make a post I hear a guy in the background shouting
-- Can't think of anything PC right now --
New Incidentally, Mike...
you have agreement from Charles Krauthammer of Washington Post.

[link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35191-2002Jan24.html|The Jackals Are Wrong.]

The critical issue in the treatment of these captured fighters is whether, under international law, they are prisoners of war or "unlawful combatants."


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New Thanks...another supporting link attached
Ronald D. Rotunda, professor, University of Illinois College of Law
-- Can't think of anything PC right now --
New Just FYI
You say:
>> Or the fact that the majority of your post seems to be direct to personal
>> attacks against me and not at my position.

From VERY early on in the debate:
Brandioch >> I think that statement tells me all I need to know about your
Brandioch >> position. Say hello to Chairman Mao for me, will you?

You abandoned the "high road" a long time ago. Don't bother to even dream
about trying to reclaim it now.
P.S. Sorry about the ad hominem stuff but it really makes my ass clench
when somebody who is thick as pigshit in the neck of a bottle thinks they
are clever just because they went to college.
New I don't expect you to see the difference.
But I'll post this anyway.

There is a difference between telling someone that their position is similar to Chairman Mao's handling of "counter-revolutionaries"
"You fucking self-absorbed non-thinker."

Note that my statement is in reference to your position.

Your statement is about me.
New Because thats not what you did.
Nice try, though.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Thank you.
It's so nice to know that, even though you have nothing of value to offer any conversation, you still feel psychologically compelled to read each and every one of my posts.

Who did that song "Obsession"?
New No problem....
I don't have anything to add to the POW discussion because Mike already destroyed you. And...its pretty much a moot point now anyway. They've been classified. They're not POWs. Read the story.


And we even have our own little internal debate about terminology so as to make sure we stay with in the confines of Geneva...as Colin Powell appears to not like the title "illegal combatants"

It is clear and restated, however, that our position is that we were NOT dealing with members of "regular armed forces" and that we continue to treat these detainees in accordance with Geneva with the exception of interrogation.

Oh. And to this untrained reader, your statement about >Say Hi to Mao for me< seemed a little far from your characterization of what it was >supposed< to mean.

Mike must be functionally illiterate too...since he seemed to not read it your way either.

Oh well.

Obsessed? You should be so flattered ;]
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Flattered?
Not really. But I guess you need someone to obsess about.

Anyway, I'm so glad that you're so informed on this subject.

Maybe you can tell me about the NSC's visit scheduled for later?

You see, as stated in the article "illegal combatants" is NOT a term that was used in the rules regarding war.

But then, I don't expect you to know anything about actual situations.

So, a US official says that the prisoners are not POW's.

And this is gospel to you because your government wouldn't lie to you.

Well, even when they do, it's because it's in your own best interest, right?

So that's okay.

"Speaking during a visit to the camp along with four other US senators, Mr Rumsfeld told reporters that the war against terrorism required a new way of thinking and new concepts."

Strange, I must not have understood this way of thinking.

Oh, that's right. All those years I spent in Germany (where they deal with terrorism on a daily basis) don't count.

"They've been classified. They're not POWs. Read the story."

Really? And accourding to the Geneva Convention, who is it that determines the classification?

"Oh. And to this untrained reader, your statement about >Say Hi to Mao for me< seemed a little far from your characterization of what it was >supposed< to mean."

And that can easily be accounted for by the fact that you're rather less than educated in certain matters.

Well, what can one expect when you've demonstrated time and time again that you can't remember what happened just 2 posts ago?
New Gospel according to Brandioch...
...can I get an Amen!

You see, as stated in the article "illegal combatants" is NOT a term that was used in the rules regarding war.

But then, I don't expect you to know anything about actual situations.

So, a US official says that the prisoners are not POW's.

And this is gospel to you because your government wouldn't lie to you.

Well, even when they do, it's because it's in your own best interest, right?

Oops...you seem to be confusing me with someone else...because I've never assumed it was in our best interest to deny their status as POW...only that they don't qualify.

Then, it seems, I've provided links to several publications reporting that the US government and other experts in international law agree with my POV (and Mike's) that these combatants do not qualify.

To which...you linked to the convention...and supplied us with your interpretation.

To which Mike provided his.

I have yet to see you link to anything besides the Geneva Convention. To which Mike has indeed raised questions about your interpretation. To which you respond with direct personal attack.

Oh, that's right. All those years I spent in Germany (where they deal with terrorism on a daily basis) don't count.

About as much as all those years I spend in Brussels, where they deal with more terrorism on a daily basis...as they have the distinction of being the only capital in Europe with a recognized Embassy for the PLO. Oh...and that little building on the north side of town didn't help either...that being HQ for the EEC.

Really? And accourding to the Geneva Convention, who is it that determines the classification?
Clue...its not Brandioch. And there are prominent experts on international law that agree with the US position that they are NOT prisoners of war.

So when and if a competent tribunal is put forth to determine status...its seems the consensus has you in opposition.

And by that time...we'll have released most of the detainees in accordance to international law...something you seem to thing the US has complete disregard for.

And that can easily be accounted for by the fact that you're rather less than educated in certain matters.

Still trying to take the high ground, I see.

Well, what can one expect when you've demonstrated time and time again that you can't remember what happened just 2 posts ago?

Et tu
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New I am humbled before God.
A nice, simple one.

"Oops...you seem to be confusing me with someone else...because I've never assumed it was in our best interest to deny their status as POW...only that they don't qualify."

Oops. You seem to be functionally illiterate, again. You see, any time their designation is NOT know, they are to be treated as POW's.

And "illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the GC.

Therefore, they were not classified under the GC.

Therefore, they are POW's.

Under the GC.

"Then, it seems, I've provided links to several publications reporting that the US government and other experts in international law agree with my POV (and Mike's) that these combatants do not qualify."

Then tell me why the NSC is coming over to check?

"I have yet to see you link to anything besides the Geneva Convention."

Well, could it be because that is the standard by which these people should be classified?

"To which Mike has indeed raised questions about your interpretation."

And to which I have responded. Most recently (sorry, more than 2 posts ago and you won't be able to recall) regarding the fact that his "reference" was under the impression that only troops who follow the GC are afforded the protections of the GC.

"To which you respond with direct personal attack."

Like I said, you're functionally illiterate and unable to recall anything further back than 2 posts ago.

"About as much as all those years I spend in Brussels, where they deal with more terrorism on a daily basis...as they have the distinction of being the only capital in Europe with a recognized Embassy for the PLO. Oh...and that little building on the north side of town didn't help either...that being HQ for the EEC."

Great. And what can you tell me about their handling of terrorists?



I thought not.

I ask:
"Really? And accourding to the Geneva Convention, who is it that determines the classification?"

You reply:
"Clue...its not Brandioch."

Allow me to rephase that exchange.

I ask:
"Really? And what is the capital of New York?"

You reply:
"Clue...its not Brandioch."

Okay, that is to illustrate that you HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

It was a simple, question.

"And there are prominent experts on international law that agree with the US position that they are NOT prisoners of war."


"So when and if a competent tribunal is put forth to determine status...its seems the consensus has you in opposition."

How amazing that you already know the verdict of that tribunal.

You know, they could save time and money and just consult with you regarding what their decision will be.

"And by that time...we'll have released most of the detainees in accordance to international law...something you seem to thing the US has complete disregard for."

Even MORE amazing. Not only do you know what that tribunal's findings will be
You also know the date/time that we will release "detainees".

I was under the impression that only one being knew the future to such a detailed degree.

I am humbled before God.

How foolish I was to ever argue with someone who already knows the future.
New It would help if you read something...
...about this besides your own posts...and your occasional link to the Geneva Convention.

And "illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the GC.

Therefore, they were not classified under the GC.

Therefore, they are POW's.

Under the GC.

Bzzt...wrong answer...try again. To many ergos.

They are to be afforded equal treatment until their status has been determined by a competent tribunal. They are NOT classified as POW.

To which directly relates back several posts where I asked you to detail just how their treatment was NOT in accordance to the Geneva Convention.

"About as much as all those years I spend in Brussels, where they deal with more terrorism on a daily basis...as they have the distinction of being the only capital in Europe with a recognized Embassy for the PLO. Oh...and that little building on the north side of town didn't help either...that being HQ for the EEC."

Great. And what can you tell me about their handling of terrorists?



I thought not.

Ah...I see...my experience in a country with daily dealings in terrorism doesn't apply...but yours does.

Love that logic.


Oh..and you can rephrase the other exchange however you would like...

but YOU do not determine the classification. A competent tribunal will do that. And the fact that they have not yet been classified does not make them POW's. It only means that they be treated according to the rules set forth.

And while you seem to think that insulting my intelligence will make that fact change...until you provide some evidence that they are NOT being treated humanely in accordance with the GC then the rest of your lengthy diatribe really has no purpose.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New You're posts are so easily disproven.
I said:
"And "illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the GC."

You said:
"Bzzt...wrong answer...try again. To many ergos."

Sorry, Bill, but "illegal combatants" is not a term used in the GC.

You might want to read the actual documents before attempting to correct me.
New Why don't you answer the point made?
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Allow me to refresh your memory.

I said:
"And "illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the GC."

You said:
"Bzzt...wrong answer...try again. To many ergos."

Sorry, Bill, but "illegal combatants" is not a term used in the GC.

Do you deny that such was from your post, in context?

Do you deny the validity of my refutation? Here is the url for the text of the G.C.


Use your favorite search app to find "illegal combatants".

There, a quote, in context, a reference and instructions.

What else can I do for you?

Oh, I know, remind you again after your next two posts.
New Again...pick at a detail and ignore the point.
Again...nice try...but now that we're over a post away...let me quote it for you....
And "illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the GC.

Therefore, they were not classified under the GC.

Therefore, they are POW's.

Under the GC.

Bzzt...wrong answer...try again. To many ergos.

They are to be afforded equal treatment until their status has been determined by a competent tribunal. They are NOT classified as POW.

To which directly relates back several posts where I asked you to detail just how their treatment was NOT in accordance to the Geneva Convention.

3 sentences too much for you to handle?
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Isn't the point comprised of the details?
Or is the point somehow not related to the details?

Can the details be wrong and the point still be correct?

"They are to be afforded equal treatment until their status has been determined by a competent tribunal. They are NOT classified as POW."

looks like a duck
walks like a duck
quacks like a duck

therefore, it is NOT a duck.

I think I'm beginning to grasp your logic.

Funny, but I thought that >MY< position was that, until they are classified (and "illegal combatant" is NOT a recognized classification) then they must be treated as POW's.

At least, accourding to the Geneva Convention.

Now, where did I lose you?

Or are you saying that because "illegal combatant" is NOT a recognized classification, they were to be treated as POW's until they could be classified?

Ahhhh, I see where the confusion is.

New no.it wasn't
I think we've established that they are POW's (until determined to be otherwise)...

That was from the very first post in this thread where you declared them to be POWs.

Where did you get lost?

Now...since you are a self-declared expert...please detail Geneva treatment for captives that are not POW status...and while your at it...show where the current situation violates those conditions.

Duck duck goose.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Now >THAT< is funny.
So, you've gotten past the "they're evil terrorists" phase and now you recognze that they're human beings with rights?

The only thing you're focused on right now is.......

Whether having all the rights and priviledges of a POW means they are actually POW's or not.

But you admit that they have those rights.

Well, Bill. I'm going to declare that you've won. :)

You're right. They aren't POW's.

They're just accourded all the rights that a regular POW would have.

Thanks for playing.
New Not as funny as putting a bra on a a statue because
The Attorney General for All of Us\ufffd.. feels uncomfortable posing IN FRONT of this bestial naked statue - I guess the same one that legions of less easily upset AGs.. just never even noticed or if they did they didn't think much of it or -

See? not as funny :(

It's Gotta be.. something in the water.
New I thought you were an expert?
Where in occupied territory an individual protected person is detained as a spy or saboteur, or as a person under definite suspicion of activity hostile to the security of the Occupying Power, such person shall, in those cases where absolute military security so requires, be regarded as having forfeited rights of communication under the present Convention.

In each case, such persons shall nevertheless be treated with humanity, and in case of trial, shall not be deprived of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed by the present Convention. They shall also be granted the full rights and privileges of a protected person under the present Convention at the earliest date consistent with the security of the State or Occupying Power, as the case may be.

So...you see...there are SUBSTANTIAL differences in treatment afforded by the convention depending upon classification and interpretation.

So, you see, Mr Expert...treatment according to general Geneva principles and treatment under the rules established for prisoners of war are NOT the same.

Hence...duck duck goose.

Or was that too much for you to figure out?

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Nope. I'm just able to read.
"So...you see...there are SUBSTANTIAL differences in treatment afforded by the convention depending upon classification and interpretation."


And they're classified as "illegal combatants".

Which is not listed anywhere in the G.C.

So they're afforded all the rights of POW's until they are classified as something else.

It's all so simple. All you have to do is think in non-binary terms.

I know that is hard for some of you.

Billthink - terrorist or released.
New Then why don't you try it sometime
They are afforded the rights contained in the Convention. NOT the rights of POWs per the Convention.

The GC is much more than just a document covering POW treatment. And it establishes minimum standards for treatment...which you still can't seem to show are being violated.

And you seemed to NOT read the direct quote I gave from the Geneva Convention regarding those detained that pose security risk. They are DENIED communication rights and are afforded only the full rights of the Convention after it has been determined that they pose no further risk.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New You see, I can read and you're illiterate.
Oh, so tell me what rights they have then, as "illegal combatants".

Then tell me what rights POW's have.

Then compare/contrast the two.
New I already gave you your homework assignment
Also showed you where basic Geneva provisions can be denied based upon security concerns of the captors.

So...if you don't mind...show me where basic Geneva treatment is being violated? You're the expert, right?

They are not POW and don't qualify for POW protection. They qualify for basic Geneva protection. Humane treatment, medical care, etc. Those basic protections can be even further limited...appropriate Geneva language was quoted more than 2 posts back. Or can't you follow that far either?

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New And we, once again, come back to my point.
That's right.

The prisoner's are to be treated as if they were POW's.

But you don't want that.

You want these "security" issues to be used to remove their rights.

Which is a problem with the GC.
New No we haven't
They are to be afforded basic treatment per the Geneva Convention.

That is NOT the same as being treated as a POW. POW status grants MORE protection than basic Geneva protection.

Those "security" provisions ARE IN THE GENEVA CONVENTION.

R(eading) I(s) F(undamental)
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Thou sayest..
But perhaps you missed the crux of my syllogism: do we actually believe the homilies which we spout - and which are so comforting to repeat, especially to elementary school children and other innocents?

For myself - I'll second in detail the analysis provided by Brandioch, above. There are none more firmly deluded than the intentionally self-deluded.

And IMhO: in the world today (and all the while I have lived in it).. there is no more sanctimonious (as is every proselytizer), arrogant (as is everyone who imposes His 'morality' du jour via force), naive (as is everyone too lazy to read history with comprehension) -- than the sterotypical 'Murican Peepul'.

Our election non-dialogue is the litmus for how the carefully crafted feedback system maintains all discussion at the sloganeering babble level. This guarantees that the 1-3% ruling class (now almost synonymous with the Corporate ruling class) - are never in any danger of losing their control over legislators, thus legislation -- thus the majority of all 'wealth'. News Clowns maintain the fine-tuning / double duty as icons and entertainers.

Our various Ministries of Propanda are patterned upon the Master's Berlin edifice - but constantly techno-tuned for effectivess as would have rendered even ice-Nazi Paul Joseph G.. temporarily orgasmic.

Still and all - Mr. Gauss measures the distribution of abilities in homo-sap as in many processes of random life: the Murican Peepul monolith exists only in fantasy - even if it is the most-used phrase of the political class. Perhaps a different '1-3%' shall ultimately succeed in reversing the outright purchase for ca$h, of the Peepul's representatives [??]

Possibly we may even.. cease filling our offspring's little heads with the Fantasy Murica? and.. dust off those magnificent ideas which spawned us.

Crap shoot.

Pigs CAN fly.
Greed CAN become less fashionable and finally, an object of ridicule: the most powerful gravitational force in packs of homo-saps (at the mall or at home).
New You're up
Hey I wish you well with your little community n'all.
I'm moving on. If it helps you grow, and especially...if it helps your community grow...I'm okay with you saying that your logic and greater wit had me absolutely tied up in knots. Its not that we are all engaged in hourly billing for the sake of it.......its that dinosaurs can actually be encouraged to mate if you have the right Barry White album playing. Rachmaninoff's second concerto is clearly the better for having been ignored by most of the progressive musicians who did not make it to the pro bowl. Clearly this is an important factor for your fat free antelope farm. Are you fat? No nor am I. I include the word "murican" here not just because you need immediate relief, but rather because the greater polytechnic requires it. The good of the many outweighs the good of the banjo statistician. There are circumstances when it is intolerable to exercise a particle collider and there is no reason why primitive bacteria can not be used to prevent this. Ordinarily, given sufficient proof I would be prepared to admit that there are no case studies which are unable to rectify the situation. I understand what your requirements are but it is vital that all people take immediate cognisance of the pugilistic tendencies which certain individuals have been prone to displaying when not engaged in obsequious activites which only journalists and biologists can truly investigate. Fish can be persuaded to drink but not if there happen to be horses in the area. He he. Its a small world after all. Its a small small world. Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight won't somebody help me chase the shadows away. I like the yellow diggers the most, those are the ones which make me less inclined to feel outraged when the horizon hasn't moved for several days. I don't mind admitting that I like to have my sphincter tickled from time to time. Its a funny thing, but sometimes an ordinary vegetable has no deeper meaning than a thumb in middle of winter. Formula one racing is not what it might have been if unnecessarily short prunes and princesses are being
allowed to go hunting with steely knives. But they just can't kill the lights
even though enough of them have been categorically proven to be in mourning.
It makes me smile and it gives me great pleasure. Often. Its funny how people can derive a sense of superiority by attempting to be blatantly disrespectful.
I feel it now. I think it helps to galvanize a holier than thou....or perhaps more irreverent-than-thou attitude and therefore leave the individual with....if nothing else....a sense that I care less than you and therefore that makes me better. Well...you are mistaken. I am better. You don't care less and you don't care more. I said its alright. Its okay. You can look the other way. You can try to understand the New York Times' effect on man.
You care *differently*. Fernando. It really is ineffective to lay traps when you know not what you are unable to decipher.

Tablizer would understand.
--------Streak of batpiss---------
New Let us retire with the comforting thought
- there are no undetected errors.

[Courtesy Rick Moen]
The genius of you Americans is that you never make
clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves
that make us wonder at the possibility that there may be
something to them that we are missing. --Gamel Abdul Nasser

[Courtesy Peter W.]
"Are you sure that you don't want to not reformat all the hard disks in the server and erase all the backup tapes?"

Wit? Uh.. Shakespeare died :(

Me? I wallow in differently-abled not-very-Large concernlessness, guided by She's Leaving Home (Zappa) and the Glenn Gould Bach Partita (#6?) .. Oh and Rafael Mendez playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto - on the trumpet.

Peas ^h^h Piece
     To summarize. - (Brandioch) - (106)
         to brandyise - (boxley) - (1)
             I have a mouse in my pocket. - (Brandioch)
         Why such sweeping assumptions? - (Mike) - (103)
             *sigh* - (Brandioch) - (98)
                 Dont *sigh* - read and learn - (Mike) - (97)
                     That's because it was covered already. - (Brandioch) - (73)
                         Said it was my last but I'm hooked now - (Mike) - (72)
                             Okay. - (Brandioch) - (71)
                                 I'll see your "Okay" and raise you - (Mike) - (68)
                                     Summary. - (Brandioch) - (5)
                                         Summary Part II - (Mike) - (4)
                                             I think my above post was correct. - (Brandioch) - (3)
                                                 No - (Mike) - (2)
                                                     Yes. - (Brandioch)
                                                     We're all done - (Mike)
                                     The US purports to be defending "freedom". Everywhere. - (Ashton) - (61)
                                         Enjoyed your post....but - (Mike) - (60)
                                             Check the treatment of POW's. - (Brandioch) - (56)
                                                 Let me get this straight........ - (Mike) - (55)
                                                     You might want to read his post again. - (Simon_Jester) - (54)
                                                         You're right - (Mike) - (53)
                                                             It's so sad when you have to resort to oocq's. - (Brandioch) - (52)
                                                                 Brandi - its okay to be wrong...... - (Mike) - (51)
                                                                     Post-war treatment.___Indeed. - (Ashton)
                                                                     Did that feel good to you? - (Brandioch) - (49)
                                                                         Dude, it felt freakin' awesome. - (Mike) - (48)
                                                                             Then I am sorry for you. - (Brandioch) - (47)
                                                                                 Re: Then I am sorry for you. - (Mike) - (22)
                                                                                     Believe that if you wish to. - (Brandioch) - (21)
                                                                                         Believe that if you wish to. - (Mike) - (20)
                                                                                             Please change your "PS" sig. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                                                                                 Done - (Mike) - (1)
                                                                                                     Vielen danke. -NT - (Another Scott)
                                                                                             Ummm, you're wrong. - (Brandioch) - (16)
                                                                                                 One more time around - (Mike) - (2)
                                                                                                     The phrasing, not the position. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                                                                         Mmmmmm much better - (Mike)
                                                                                                 And..... - (Mike) - (12)
                                                                                                     Again? - (Brandioch) - (11)
                                                                                                         Dancing on the head of a pin - (Mike) - (10)
                                                                                                             You post lacks content. - (Brandioch) - (9)
                                                                                                                 You are a naughty boy - (Mike) - (8)
                                                                                                                     I think my original posts were clear enough. - (Brandioch) - (7)
                                                                                                                         Brandioch: >I< never said that we >NEVER< did such - (Mike) - (6)
                                                                                                                             Again, the two post rule applies. - (Brandioch) - (5)
                                                                                                                                 What POWs? -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                                                                                                     Those POW's. -NT - (Brandioch)
                                                                                                                                 Bring out the context - (Mike) - (2)
                                                                                                                                     Incidentally, Mike... - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                                                                                                                         Thanks...another supporting link attached - (Mike)
                                                                                 Just FYI - (Mike) - (23)
                                                                                     I don't expect you to see the difference. - (Brandioch) - (22)
                                                                                         Because thats not what you did. - (bepatient) - (21)
                                                                                             Thank you. - (Brandioch) - (20)
                                                                                                 No problem.... - (bepatient) - (19)
                                                                                                     Flattered? - (Brandioch) - (18)
                                                                                                         Gospel according to Brandioch... - (bepatient) - (17)
                                                                                                             I am humbled before God. - (Brandioch) - (16)
                                                                                                                 It would help if you read something... - (bepatient) - (15)
                                                                                                                     You're posts are so easily disproven. - (Brandioch) - (14)
                                                                                                                         Why don't you answer the point made? -NT - (bepatient) - (13)
                                                                                                                             Allow me to refresh your memory. - (Brandioch) - (12)
                                                                                                                                 Again...pick at a detail and ignore the point. - (bepatient) - (11)
                                                                                                                                     Isn't the point comprised of the details? - (Brandioch) - (10)
                                                                                                                                         no.it wasn't - (bepatient) - (9)
                                                                                                                                             Now >THAT< is funny. - (Brandioch) - (8)
                                                                                                                                                 Not as funny as putting a bra on a a statue because - (Ashton)
                                                                                                                                                 I thought you were an expert? - (bepatient) - (6)
                                                                                                                                                     Nope. I'm just able to read. - (Brandioch) - (5)
                                                                                                                                                         Then why don't you try it sometime - (bepatient) - (4)
                                                                                                                                                             You see, I can read and you're illiterate. - (Brandioch) - (3)
                                                                                                                                                                 I already gave you your homework assignment - (bepatient) - (2)
                                                                                                                                                                     And we, once again, come back to my point. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                                                                                                                                         No we haven't - (bepatient)
                                             Thou sayest.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                 You're up - (Mike) - (1)
                                                     Let us retire with the comforting thought - (Ashton)
                                 You are denying fact - (drewk) - (1)
                                     That may be true. - (Brandioch)
                     New to brandi arnt you? - (boxley) - (22)
                         Okay, I thought this was covered. I guess I was wrong. - (Brandioch) - (21)
                             We treat the pirates as pirates and the taliban as pow's - (boxley) - (20)
                                 I like that. - (Brandioch) - (19)
                                     He didn't say "guilty" - (drewk) - (17)
                                         Allow me to quote. - (Brandioch) - (16)
                                             Jeez, that's intentionally obtuse - (drewk) - (11)
                                                 "suspected" == guilty. - (Brandioch) - (10)
                                                     So now *I'm* the final authority? - (drewk) - (9)
                                                         Do you believe in Santa Claus? - (Brandioch) - (8)
                                                             The classic flip. - (bepatient) - (7)
                                                                 F.I. - (Brandioch) - (6)
                                                                     Soooooooooooo doubt everything right? - (Mike) - (5)
                                                                         Shhhh... - (bepatient) - (4)
                                                                             :-) NT -NT - (Mike) - (2)
                                                                                 Thank you Drew, Drew and Drew. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                                                     Was talking to Mike...do you mind? - (bepatient)
                                                                             LRPD wryly notes: I'm sorry, I came here for an argument! - (Ashton)
                                             What conflict? - (boxley) - (3)
                                                 Gotta love that. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                                                     Lotsa prisoners were taken from the army - (boxley) - (1)
                                                         Strangely enough, I do. - (Brandioch)
                                     according to the brits it does at least the one name - (boxley)
             What about non-uniformed combatants? - (rsf) - (2)
                 I am the authority on the Geneva Convention. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                     Forgot some. -NT - (bepatient)
             Re: What is a Taliban ? - What is an Al-Qaeda ? - (dmarker2)

Reese's Pieces? Am I in a different pit this time?
230 ms