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New e.g.
You mean like [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=254426| this comment?]
"So don't pay attention to the approval ratings that say 68% of Americans disapprove of the job this man is doing. I ask you this, does that not also logically mean that 68% approve of the job he's not doing? Think about it. I haven't."
Stephen Colbert, at the White House Correspondent's Dinner 29Apr06
New pretty much
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
Freedom is not FREE.
Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars?
SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;

0 rows returned.
     Question - (Nightowl) - (17)
         Yes (Opera 8.51) -NT - (warmachine)
         No. - (admin) - (11)
             Yabut - - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
                 Er, no... - (admin)
             Yes, I see it. - (folkert) - (8)
                 Only one thing changed: - (admin) - (5)
                     Re: Only one thing changed: - (Nightowl) - (4)
                         Ads at the bottom!! - (Nightowl) - (3)
                             They've always been there. - (admin) - (1)
                                 Re: They've always been there. - (Nightowl)
                             Ads at the bottom redux - (Silverlock)
                 e.g. - (jb4) - (1)
                     pretty much -NT - (folkert)
         Optical illusion? - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Re: Optical illusion? - (Nightowl)
         It's got nothing to do with the ads... - (Yendor) - (1)
             For me it seems to. - (Nightowl)

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