Idunno, you *may* be right... But I'm not sure.
I mean, to take just one example, presumably they knew pretty soon that their release of KHTML was going to be a complete fork; and they were asked when, over a year ago?, to change the User-Agent string to something other than "khtml". Are we supposed to believe *that* was because they "have an employer and customer base to please"? Too big a change to implement before release deadline, with Steve breathing down their necks? Or is it millions of Safari users, demanding with one voice, "No! Don't change the User-Agent string to 'safari' in our browser!"? Somehow, I doubt it...
Essentially, what you're saying is that you are blinded not only by the Jobsian RDF, but also by being friends with some of these people. Are you seriously trying to claim that makes you *less* biased about them and what they do?