Post #247,375
3/9/06 4:31:47 PM
Say hello to a new property owner
I just got word the offer I put in on a co-op has been accepted. I don't think the word "giddy" has ever been used to describe me till today. (May have something to do with my dancing down the hallway just now)
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #247,377
3/9/06 4:35:07 PM
Welcome to debt-for-the-rest-of-your-life.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania
Post #247,378
3/9/06 4:35:34 PM
Hello, new property owner!
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #247,380
3/9/06 4:36:16 PM
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #247,381
3/9/06 4:36:32 PM
You will now be allowed to vote. :)
When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis
Post #247,382
3/9/06 4:39:24 PM
Hello! Enjoy the feeling!
Don't worry about that obligatory feeling of buyer's remorse. Everyone gets it. :-)
Cheers, Scott. (Who hopes you don't plan on letting Hildi Santo-Tomas redecorate it for you...)
Post #247,384
3/9/06 5:05:38 PM
No remorse at all
I've been looking for about 8 months and this one is the best I've seen. Just about perfect a perfect fit to what I was looking for. 2 blocks from work, fantastically maintained, 1 block from a nice little park, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, sunroom etc. I actually have goosebumps.
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #247,386
3/9/06 5:28:13 PM
It does indeed sound about perfect. Congratulations!
Post #247,392
3/9/06 6:52:40 PM
Sounds nice
Enjoy it.
Post #247,403
3/9/06 7:41:25 PM
Obviously in the Stars! Enjoy...
Post #247,413
3/9/06 10:13:01 PM
My realtor even said "this was meant to happen"
This place is actually more than I was willing to accept. Location was the primary requirement. If I'm going to ride a bike (one of my "get yourself fit" goals), it won't include a daily roundtrip over a busy, narrow highway overpass. I was ready to take a efficiency (bed sitting room* for you Brits) unit just for the location. The fact that it's only two blocks from where I work kind o kills the "I'm moving in order to make biking a possibllity" reason a wash. I don't care. The place is freakin' gorgeous.
*A bizarre film that should only be seen while pretending to do acid. Actually doing real acid and watching it might cause chaos.
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #247,431
3/10/06 1:26:55 AM
I felt ~ the same way when -
That guy on the bitchin near-new Matchless 500 Twin rode up next to me (on my equally-bitchin, stylish Lambretta motor scooter) on Market St. SF, and called over ...
- Those musical words -
Ya Wanna Swap ???
As is also reminiscent of,
This guy with a small back deformity finally gets a date with a nice girl. (Seems she has an .. er, artificial eye.. no big deal.)
Things go swimmingly; it's time to part. She suggests, "wanna go out again sometime?" . . He: Would I! Would I! . . . . She: Hunchback! Hunchback!
Post #247,385
3/9/06 5:13:59 PM
Did your happy dance include jazz hands?
Mine does. :-)
Follow your MOUSE
Post #247,414
3/9/06 10:18:15 PM
I may have included a Fosse move or two.
Imagine Richard Gere's Razzle Dazzle scene in Chicago only with a significant pot belly.
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #247,387
3/9/06 5:37:34 PM
-- Steve [link||Ubuntu]
Post #247,388
3/9/06 5:39:01 PM
great! good doins
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #247,409
3/9/06 9:15:09 PM
you'll still talk to poor renting peons like me.
Enjoy your purchase.
Cheers, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #247,415
3/9/06 10:20:06 PM
Renting I'll give you.
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #247,427
3/10/06 12:53:45 AM
hey land baron
congrats. giddy at a time like that is very healthy. when's moving day?
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #247,455
3/10/06 8:54:53 AM
Moving day won't be for few weeks.
After we feed the lawyers a few live babies, they might let us close the deal.
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #247,437
3/10/06 3:42:41 AM
Post #247,456
3/10/06 9:38:05 AM
prepare for writer's cramp
You will sign your name approximately three hundred and fifty times in about two hours at closing. Welcome to the ranks of the landed gentry, and you renters here will henceforth address him as "Squire" Silverlock.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #247,458
3/10/06 9:55:09 AM
the decided advantage of renting from the bank
they dont give a rats ass if you mow the lawn or not. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #247,471
3/10/06 12:03:58 PM
"Pictures are better then words because some words are big and hard to understand" Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
Post #247,482
3/10/06 12:37:37 PM
May you always find happiness in your new home. :)
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."
By Geoffrey F. Abert
Post #247,492
3/10/06 1:25:22 PM
Watch closely as...
...your credit score just decended by 200 points!
(But it's a good 200 points!)
jb4 "Every Repbulican who wants to defend Bush on [the expansion of Presidential powers], should be forced to say, 'I wouldn't hesitate to see President Hillary Rodham Clinton have the same authority'." &mdash an unidentified letter writer to Newsweek on the expansion of executive powers under the Bush administration
Post #247,494
3/10/06 1:33:35 PM
Too cool.
We have now been in our new house about half a year. That feeling is still there; I have no idea how long it takes for the novelty to wear off. I have noted that I now know enough of the new normal background noises to know when something is different. I envy you the walk to work. I moved about 10 miles further away (28 to 38 roughly) largely because my wife's remaining relatives live fairly near to here.
Post #248,040
3/15/06 8:27:00 PM
I have to be "interviewed" before the deal can go through
I did a little reseach and it turns out that the historical reason for a co-op board inteviewing prospective tenants is to insure I'm not black or Jewish. I'm tempted to show up in low rise baggy jeans sporting a star of david necklace. Perhaps I should get a tattoo?
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #248,041
3/15/06 8:32:14 PM
Just don't get a haircut. You'll be fine. ______________;-)
Post #248,045
3/15/06 8:55:01 PM
its just a sniff test
after all unlike apartments a co-op gets to vet its co-neighbors. thanx. bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #248,047
3/15/06 8:56:49 PM
Is there supposed to be a comma somewhere in that post?
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #248,048
3/15/06 8:57:43 PM
no peter hasnt emailed me any lately Im out
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #248,050
3/15/06 9:00:19 PM
No peter. Hasn't emailed. Me any lately? I'm out!
Fun with punctuation.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #248,053
3/15/06 9:03:18 PM
serious question
you have vision issues? If so, I could be more careful. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #248,061
3/15/06 9:44:30 PM
He might not...
But I do, and it would help.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #248,058
3/15/06 9:15:40 PM
Just be yourself...
Well, be yourself, only better ;-)
They'll love you.
Then after you move in, you can let it all hang out!
Wishng you luck, Amy
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~ George Eliot
Post #248,141
3/16/06 5:07:35 PM
3/16/06 5:08:10 PM
It could be they want to know if you have 8 KW audio...
system you like to crank up at 2:30 AM when you do your best work.
Or, that you need 8 renting roomies to handle the mortgage.
Or, that you habitually house the homeless.
Or, if you're gay like the rest of them. :)
When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. -- Sinclair Lewis
Edited by a6l6e6x
March 16, 2006, 05:08:10 PM EST
Post #248,171
3/16/06 10:22:15 PM
But whatever you do or admit to . . .
. . don't admit to posting on IWeThey. If they knew you hung out with us they'd presume you were one of us and that'd be the end of the deal.
Post #248,212
3/17/06 9:44:41 AM
re: gay
I've just learned that this neighborhood is fondly referred to as "Homo Heights". I envision soaring property values.
----------------------------------------- Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney. Do it now.
Post #248,214
3/17/06 9:46:13 AM
And good dining
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #248,229
3/17/06 11:16:34 AM
envision correctly
those folks have the gentrification gene, and yuppie assholes waving fistfulls of certified checks follow them around. thanx, bill
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep