...as to write
Notice most of the military (or military-esque) crews toward the bottom. /me likes!
...were I you.

Both Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica are a lot more gung-ho than, say, Star Trek's original Enterprise. (And B5 -- while arguably just as "touchy-feely" as ST TOS in some ways -- was, by definition, an outpost run by the military, AFAICR.)

Heck, even the Millennium Falcon crew can be seen as rather "militaristic", along with the whole Star Wars series. Didn't you read that old ST/SW comparison by David Brin, that we discussed years and years ago...?

It's also interesting that, even though Serenity and Babylon 5 scored the same, Serenity was picked over Babylon 5....
Did you get a "tie-breaker" question at the end, too?