IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New off the top of my head
-Sidebar with gadgets

-Composited desktop (windows don't have to repaint themselves when uncovered. Makes for a smoother experience like Mac OS X)

-Better search (no dog) built into Windows Explorer with ability to search on and edit file metadata, stack items with the same meta data (And drag other items onto that stack to assign the same metadata), filter and group on metadata and make virtual folders. Can search files, email, RSS feeds, favorites, IE history, and anything else someone writes a file or protocol (ie: to search within a database) filter for. None of this is WinFS BTW.

- A DVD making program.

- Transactional file system and registry. Programs could do big file and registry changes and roll them back in one shot if something goes wrong.

- Central RSS store and API. Along with their list extensions, could let you do things like subscribe to a list of files shared by someone and track when they get updated.

- p2p stuff including ability to create an ad-hoc wireless network directly between WiFi cards when there is no central network available. Ability to create a p2p file (and screen I think) sharing session between users for meetings or on the fly presentations to everyones laptop.

- No huge cascading All Programs menu. Has a scrolable list embedded in the start menu instead. Search box at bottom can whittle down this list in real time as you type.

- Start button doesn't say start anymore. Billions of hours saved as people will no longer be confused by the "start to shut down" paradox.

- Alt Tab list is bigger with thumbnails of the windows being tabbed through. Alternate mode shows windows in a larger 3D perspective view. There are also window preview thumbnails above the taskbar buttons of open apps.

- Clicking clock in lower right now actually brings up a clock (or more for multiple time zones) and calendar that you can flip thru without resetting the system time/date

- A calendar program compatible with iCal file standard.

- If you buy one version you'll be able to upgrade to other versions for the difference instead of a whole new copy of the OS. Possibly without need anything more than a new auth key (not sure about that).

- New audio subsystem with per app volume control

- Users not admin by default anymore. Will ask user for adming password or permission when needed like other Osen do these days.

- System file and registry virtualization. Makes old programs that don't repect the registry or system folder think they still have free reign in those places by giving them private copies to diddle.

- Other ghastly cack.
Chris Altmann
New More catching up, in other words.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Nothing compelling?
I recognize that OS X has much of that stuff already. But I wonder if there is anything compelling there that would cause someone running Win2k to move to Vista rather than Linux.

Other than the huge minus of the DRM stuff in Vista that I'm sure most people are dreading.

There's the old IIABDFI mantra, but we know Win2k will be killed off as soon as MS is able, so new hardware will require a new OS. Is it Linux's big opportunity, or will there be enough reason to move to OS X, or will preloads continue to be MS's way to force people to move to the "latest and greatest" version of Windows?

Inquiring minds... :-)


(Who thinks that the PC industry is hooked up to a big morphine bag called Windows and it's going to be very hard to get them off it. Unfortunately.)
New Short answer: No.

[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
New How many of those are XP PowerToys already? (At least 1.)

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Yes Mr. Garrison, genetic engineering lets us correct God's horrible, horrible mistakes, like German people. - [link|http://maxpages.com/southpark2k/Episode_105|Mr. Hat]
New The really big deal is search
Microsoft probably shit a brick when they saw Spotlight (fast, easy, finds the things you're looking for), so Vista Had To Have The Same.

Only it sucks, like the rest of Vista (which uses >500MB memory when it's sitting there gurning at you, btw). Even the 3D desktop window sorter thing (think Exposé, but crap) is horrible and slow. The much vaunted "glass effect" is a bit pointless. The new Start menu will confuse the crap out of everyone. Getting asked for your admin password continuously gets old fast (it did it to me every time the wlan connection came up).

It does ship with some nice wallpaper, though, and I like the new system font.

[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
New Unlockable versions
- If you buy one version you'll be able to upgrade to other versions for the difference instead of a whole new copy of the OS. Possibly without need anything more than a new auth key (not sure about that).

Here is a [link|http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4754462.stm|BBC] article that shows a bit of what Microsoft has in mind. There are going to be more then 6 versions of Vista for sale, and not in the NT sense where they are specalized versions for specific hardware.

I suspect the upgrade thing is aimed at the home market with basic / premium / ultimate versions which will differ only in what utilities and eye candy are enabled. Computers will come with one package that is really all versions, but only the basic part will be unlocked. You can then buy a key from MS to unlock the "upgrade" and download the additional applications. This will let MS extract some more money while keeping the price low for white box assemblers.

Personally I think MS is making a mistake here. Unnecessary internal division of market for the purpose of extracting more money is one of the hallmarks of a dominant company in the last gasp of the buisness cycle before falling. It confuses and angers customers who favored the dominant company becuase they where the easy choice, while making clear that the company has few compelling new products / features to sell.


New Worst. Named. Product. EvAr.
Windows Vista "Ultimate".

[link|http://www.no2id.net/|Don't Let The Terrorists Win]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
New Should be "Ultimatum"
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
New This is what I was just saying below
Users will know they're being screwed, so if they're going to want high-end they'll buy something else. By the time you're ready to "upgrade" to the next version you're going to want new hardware anyway.

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Ackshully though.. Tektronix and The Beast in same post?

Some models of Tek scopes came with board populated with parts for features that were activated in upscale models; only thing that made economic sense at assembly. Others at least had the spaces on the MB. (The up-scale had a diff. model designation and new front panel, in some cases - maybe extra switches. So it wasn't quite as simple as flipping a switch from Redmond, say.)

All moot now, out of production - and the how-tos are Out There, too.

But it just Sounds awfuller when one knows the personalities behind it. And their non-prison (yet) record.

     So, can someone tell me what's new in Vista? - (Arkadiy) - (16)
         All the other software that quits working when you upgrade -NT - (bepatient)
         off the top of my head - (altmann) - (10)
             More catching up, in other words. -NT - (admin)
             Nothing compelling? - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 Short answer: No. -NT - (pwhysall)
             How many of those are XP PowerToys already? (At least 1.) -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 The really big deal is search - (pwhysall)
             Unlockable versions - (JayMehaffey) - (4)
                 Worst. Named. Product. EvAr. - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     Should be "Ultimatum" -NT - (ben_tilly)
                 This is what I was just saying below - (drewk)
                 Ackshully though.. Tektronix and The Beast in same post? - (Ashton)
         Interesting take on it from /. - (pwhysall) - (3)
             They are, but I'd reason about it differently - (ben_tilly)
             The major problem IMO with the analogy - (drewk) - (1)
                 I think at least half those editions will be dropped - (pwhysall)

This was a random error that most likely occurred when a ray of cosmic radiation hit a memory chip at just the right angle resulting in a bit changing from a 0 to a 1.
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