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New some of those are pretty good, where can I get the T-Shirt?
the arabs think differently than westerners. To them unless its their tribe or religion they shrug and go "bad taste" their family or their religion they act like settlers defending an illegal outpost. If you think the folks attacking the police and IDF and stoning 8yo pal school children and fighting with the IDF hat tries to stop them are any different than the muslims you identified in the links that I am saddened. People will lie, cheat, steal and murder in the name of their religion if they are fanatics. Unfortunately they appear to be on the increase.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New The Jewish extermists are clearly a minority
and despised by most Israelis.


179. I will not outsource core functions.

New not my point its quality not quantity fanatics are fanatical
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
New Another "difference of degree"... Sigh...


179. I will not outsource core functions.

New On the contrary, it was a comparison in qualitative terms...
..."fanatical is fanatical" -- absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with "degrees".

What _I_S_, ever so ironically, a comparison of degrees, though, is this:

"The Jewish extermists are clearly a minority".

"Sigh", indeed... How could you not see that?

And what do you think this inability of yours says about you?

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Yes Mr. Garrison, genetic engineering lets us correct God's horrible, horrible mistakes, like German people. - [link|http://maxpages.com/southpark2k/Episode_105|Mr. Hat]
New It tells me that, say, 80% of the nation
burning and pillaging with the govt's blessing, versus 8% fighting the rest of the nation (and the rest of the nation is represented mainly by police) is NOT a matter of degree.

And yes, you are right. "Fanatics are fanatical" has nothing to do with degrees. It does not recognize degrees or differences - it equalizes.


179. I will not outsource core functions.

     An article with a picture of one of the Danish cartoons. - (Another Scott) - (71)
         I want to see another cartoon - (boxley)
         Glass. Turn the entire region into glass. -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Die Welt in Germany published six - (andread)
         And the US version of protests. - (a6l6e6x) - (39)
             I thought you were going to point to this... 31 kB img - (Another Scott) - (3)
                 Agree, it is more similar because both are cartoons. - (a6l6e6x)
                 That's easy - (jb4) - (1)
                     it was entirely amusing to listen to rocko flailing the - (boxley)
             I cant wait for Al Sharpton's attack that organization - (boxley)
             Do you really think a protest letter is comparable - (Arkadiy) - (33)
                 Agreed - (SpiceWare)
                 Indeed, there's no doubt that this reveals that - (jake123)
                 No it's not comparable but shows the same kind of thinking. - (a6l6e6x) - (30)
                     these photos were published in September Lat Year - (boxley)
                     stir != mob action, terrorism, et al - (jb4) - (3)
                         At least a part of that is government inspired. - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
                             But they will collect the kindling, so to speak. - (static) - (1)
                                 quite a few around the globe - (boxley)
                     Do you mean like these? - (Arkadiy) - (24)
                         some of those are pretty good, where can I get the T-Shirt? - (boxley) - (5)
                             The Jewish extermists are clearly a minority - (Arkadiy) - (4)
                                 not my point its quality not quantity fanatics are fanatical -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                                     Another "difference of degree"... Sigh... -NT - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                                         On the contrary, it was a comparison in qualitative terms... - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                             It tells me that, say, 80% of the nation - (Arkadiy)
                         My personal fave - (jake123) - (2)
                             Oh, I think you misunderstood her - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                 Oh, I don't think I did - (jake123)
                         At least the first batch puts my example to shame! :) - (a6l6e6x) - (14)
                             you can go to 1929 hebron also but whats the point? -NT - (boxley) - (13)
                                 Re: whats the point? - (a6l6e6x) - (12)
                                     fair statement -NT - (boxley)
                                     Nothing I can do about this attitude - (Arkadiy) - (10)
                                         Re: Nothing I can do about this attitude - (pwhysall) - (9)
                                             moral difference - (boxley) - (7)
                                                 Re: moral difference - (pwhysall) - (6)
                                                     naw, they'll blame it on the Jews as usual :-) -NT - (boxley)
                                                     s /Jordan/Lebanon/ perhaps? -NT - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                                         Ar. - (pwhysall) - (2)
                                                             It's not unusual for some to have Jordan on the brain... - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                                 Not on the *brain* as such... -NT - (pwhysall)
                                                     israeli's didnt nick it, they paid cash for most of it - (boxley)
                                             My solution? - (Arkadiy)
         I am not in favor of turning the region into glass. - (Andrew Grygus) - (24)
             the evangelicals having been trying to do that here - (boxley)
             Don't misunderstand me. - (mmoffitt) - (22)
                 We get it. You're a genocidal maniac. - (imric)
                 Entirely futile - (Andrew Grygus) - (19)
                     But don't you think it odd that all the ME religions... - (mmoffitt) - (18)
                         chinese are not middle eastern and have been slaughtering - (boxley) - (10)
                             Chinese? - (mmoffitt) - (9)
                                 I thought Maoism and Stalinism were on top. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                     Those are (allegedly) that antithesis of Religion - (jb4) - (1)
                                         To be replaced as opiate by you know what. - (Andrew Grygus)
                                 here ya go - (boxley) - (5)
                                     Really reaching there box.... - (Simon_Jester) - (4)
                                         secret societies with magic powers dime a dozen in china - (boxley) - (3)
                                             Interesting that you picked one based on Christianity -NT - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                                                 okay the freakin japs wernt christian and they slaughtered - (boxley) - (1)
                                                     That's a much better example :-) -NT - (ben_tilly)
                         I agree that the 'Three Revealed Religions' are . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                             You didn't mention the following detail - (jb4)
                         Cambodia -NT - (ben_tilly) - (4)
                             Religion was banned by the Khmer Rouge. Thanks for playing. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                                 try 500 years earlier -NT - (boxley)
                                 That's because they didn't call their religion a religion - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                                     Sorta like Micros~1; Product can't stand up on its own... -NT - (jb4)
                 <long post deleted> - (Arkadiy)
         Hitchens weighs in. - (Another Scott)
         It's all a total lie, anyway. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             But that cannot be!!! - (Another Scott)

This is nothing compared to Grand Theft Auto III, because you can't steal a taxi cab, pick up somebody, then drive into the ocean with him.
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