No you bumbling fuckwit, I'm one of the people she insulted.
I never claimed to be any neutral "referee" or anything like that -- I wrote the post you replied to specifically as *one of the slandered parties*. (Reading comprehension much, Ash?)
And, although I already knew yours is a Puritan-besotted culture, with its innuendo and shocking arabesques and whatnot... About one thing I don't need to *deduce* fucking anything -- I KNOW that *I* wrote what I wrote to mean precisely what it says: As advice to Don to get at least something out of a situation that apparently isn't heading for marital bliss. Which is NOT the same as me being (one of) a (collective of) "bonehead(s)" who "just want to get it on with a stripper".
I don't see what the fuck you're gibbering about in the first place -- are you saying I'm somehow NOT ALLOWED to resent that implication?!? In that case, fuck you too very much, and you can butt out on the same lame horse you butted in on. (But, as alluded to above, I suspect that all your low-moderate-High "Referee" dudgeon is just because you didn't understand what the fuck you were replying to.)
Anyway, on the whole: No thanks, I neither want nor need your fucking incomprehensible "advice", be it ever so wrapped in a bestiary of BOx's wink-and-nudge hot dogs and Barry's concave 8080 proxies.
Now piss off and shut the Hell up until you've mastered Reading For Content 101.
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Yes Mr. Garrison, genetic engineering lets us correct God's horrible, horrible mistakes, like German people. - [link||Mr. Hat]