I'm not in a mandatory evacuation zone([link|http://images.chron.com/content/news/photos/05/09/21/evac_hcoem.gif|evac map]), but I'm close enough that I'm not going to chance it. I'm located on the right edge of Fort Bend county where Texas 6 crosses into Brazoria county.

My subdivision is in an area not prone to flooding, plus they built large depressions to hold excess water. You can see a large one north-west of, and a smaller one north of [link|http://maps.google.com/maps?q=4606+Nealwood+Court,+Fresno+TX+77545&ll=29.520704,-95.471395&spn=0.006980,0.009255&t=k&hl=en|my house]. They were less than half full after Allison hit in 2001. I am concerned about wind damage.