The scene where the Chief Engineer is showing the Captain of the Titanic the unextended tops of All Those bulkheads! ("water-tight" compartments; sorta ...) and describing the cascading effect, as the bow-angle \\ steepened.

The Captain thus grokked-to fullness: not merely that they were Doomed, but the entire physics of the How (and perhaps experienced a concentrated Moment-of-Hate? for the Designer, the $Management and the committees that went ahead with a fatal design.)

The Captain then comprehended fully: cha. cha. cha.

Like *this* fatally-flawed Design on us all.

And yes, the demonstrable fact: that 'Conservatives' have so little idea of What it is they think.. they want to 'Conserve'? these days: may constitute a basis for the new Voter IQ test, amidst the post-catastrophe mob-based cleanup (just after the Neoconman-Dunking Games in Salem, say?)