"God" must be really busy for "him/her/it/they" to finally get around to destroying the city after 34 years of that celebration. Better late than never I suppose. Morons.
So I suppose "The Big One" will soon hit the west coast and only San Fran will slide off the continent. I wonder what "God" has in store for Toronto what with our gay pride parade, legalized same sex marriages, Sunday shopping, lax mj attitude...
And I think this goes to prove just how much more of a slacker this "God" thing is anyways. Talk about a weak-kneed smiting job! What's with taking the hurricane down a category and shifting it a bit to the east? How about some vengeance?! How about a big flashy show?! Some shock and awe! Something to give the public the "Wow! That guy must be bleeping pissed!" reaction and grovel for forgiveness.
I personally would be most impressed to see "God" fold the city in on itself repeatedly until it was infinitely small and "POP!" out of existence. Now there's some good television!
Gah, fucking religious nutjobs!