then lying down for (some variety of endorphins) to wash over.

We used lots of airplane glue for, er airplanes; not ever did I hear (back in those Radio days) of anyone 'sniffing' same. Do recall though CCl4 carbon tetrachloride - a solvent used re airplane finishes - sweet odor and no doubt bioactive; glad I smelled that only a few times: it was one of the Worst things ever! for one's liver/life - to be in popular supply (before Neoconmen with power, natch).

(I guess, as society gets more like it Is -- more and more escapes-from-{shudder} <that> ensue, as the Knight / Grail connection.)

I look for, next:
All those handy electrodes via body-piercings?

Transistorized generators of various frequencies and [Ooops!] currents ..
Expect some deaths, but WTF. That surely beats a lifetime of RAP.
A little Ecstacy + Ohm's Law ... Priceless.

Phrase for the Day -

mucous membranes
mucous membranes
mucous membranes