"My anxiety is manifesting itself in hyperactivity and nausea. Cant sit still. Am gonna throw up."

Having spent a looong time un (and then under) employed, I KNOW that feeling. The only thing that helped me was to go out for a long walk (1-2 hours) in pleasant surroundings (the local park). It's not going to help your job search to just endure feeling bad about it.
"Have to be doing SOMETHING- ANYTHING to find that job. Where are the interviews already??? I've applied for a dozen positions, continue to network, network, network. I dont know what else to do."

You are doing the right thing. It's hard out there. Don't depend on websites or newspaper want ads. Hit the street and check out local businesses, schools, and government agencies. Get dressed in business clothes when you do. This may be a longshot, but then, it may get you a job - and it's something constructive to do. Just getting dressed up a little can help morale - I know. Believe me I know.