and Letters section:
I may get around to these, acknowledging that establishing "causality" in an enviro of n! kinds of man-made crap-molecules in everything from the food/water to.. smell-o-vision inserts in newspapers:
ain't never gonna be facilitated by the legions who Like Things Personally-profitable as they are.
(Add: adequately-*funded* research grants, to the Infinite Improbability Generator, set to: stasis.)
(This is hardly a new topic of enquiry/concern. It's just relatively-new to the era of infinite net info. of vastly-variable worth.) Not all the people who have questioned various aspects of overall immunization models / questioned the absence of long-term studies of what correlations Might be made -- have been loonies of Fluoridation is a Commie Plot ilk). But enough have been.. to desensitive many/most who might.. have paid attention.
I think that the n! actuality: guarantees little chance for any resolution of this and many other aspects of our massive drug-taking speed-24/7-culture. After all - it's now a Big-OK that little Kevin is diagnosed 'hyper-__fill-in-blank__' and needs his daily Ritalin derivative + his __ while mom n'dad pop their daily "acid neutralizers" so they can have the garlic pasta, burgers AND the other stuff their digestive system indicated that: it doesn't like, a lot. (What does IT know?)
(Oh: Wasn't it pronounced "Rye-tal'-in", in its original Star Trek carnation?)
Which, overall is why - maybe I'll read this recent salvo anon.