[link|http://www.left-handed.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=68|What makes a bowling ball left or right-handed?].
Yeah, it bites if you're left-handed and don't have your own ball. But if you have your own ball, the driller started with the same ball whether you're left or right handed. Unlike golf clubs, etc., which have an intrinsic asymmetry depending on which directionality you are.
Unless, of course, you're playing something like [link|http://www.bowlcandlepin.com/Rules.htm|candlepin] which has hole-less balls. In that case, the ball truly is ambidextrous:
[image|http://www.bowlcandlepin.com/BALLSPEC.jpg|0|candlepin bowling ball|240|240]
(So who was being more pedantic in this case? You or me? :-)