Post #189,636
1/10/05 5:32:22 PM
1/10/05 5:43:42 PM

Oh Pshaw -
So facile to label the heathens/opposition, bigots. (That ploy had worked often, before/during the countless Wars of Organized Corporate Religions.)
Individuals are always Individuals.. right up to the joining of a mob. Lighten up.. what matters the loss a small green-blue planet In The Larger Scheme of Things? Hey.. I buy that the daily illusion IS a daily illusion. Too. (But at least I Know I can't 'Prove' that! to a garden variety demagogue-Certainty, that now most popular form of all meeja nondiscourse ;-)
Matters not which Corporate label a one affixes, except that in the US 'Christianity' is BIG, and I live here. But there's no important difference amongst 'fundamentalists' worldwide, in simultaneously Believing at the least -
A) I Possess (am possessed by) The. Truth. B) Those others: Don't. (And various nasty things shall happen to Those - for not Knowing What I Know\ufffd) C) cha. cha. cha.
('Fundamentalist'? - a one who cannot discern allegory from myth, metaphor from historicity.. and has no intention of exploring those or any other ideas, preferring canned-Authority over all other sources of human mentation. If we need a definition, too.)
Today these are no longer just individuals worshipping any old cockamamie thing - these are a Political Movement, with the *stated* aim of remanufacturing America into a/*their* theological model of 'Reality'. It's no longer just their Murican Dream\ufffd - it's got *$Funding* (plus those nukes - never forget The Nukes).
The Constitution is in tatters, the USSC is about to receive an infusion of ideologues only dreamt of by the likes of My Gramma. Seems that the next few generations are in palpable jeopardy, as the level of abortion of the Constitution is being worked out. And a few other activities are going apace, some may have noticed. As the wealth=Power steadily moves towards highest concentration ever.
All bets are off in the face of this frontal and lateral attack upon the Secular State. Screw that merely grating perpetual sanctimoniousness and the wordgame bullshit about, "loving the sinner / hating the sin" -- as many of the claimed-religieuse tacitly applauded the death of that young queer tied to the fence, et al. That was just normal human hypocrisy, and expected.
Now it is about a forming coalition which employ religio- rationales to achieve the death of a Republic (or at least sorta-Republic.. already well into a Corporatocracy).
As to any common denominator across n+1 sects -??- Anthem heard, too bloody- often:
Onward, Christian *soldiers* -- marching as to *war* ---> with the Cross of Jesus -----> Going on Before <snip> Like a Mighty *Army*.. ETC.
QED enough? Yup, it's Political AND it's now YAN fucking War. Even.. a War *about* the constant Warring, one might say. Let's seek Root causes, while seeking. I aver that the religio-fundamentalist mindset is the common cause of most every 'war' since the first priesthood established itself to sell salvation to folks, from things that go bump in the night. (Before that, it was about the usual litany of wants+power to Get them from someone not-Me.)
Hmmm - maybe.. the Good Christians will first kill-off the Righteous-Christians :-0 cha. cha. cha. and a New Fork. In the ear of the highly suggestible ... anything's Possible.
I Who Be or if you prefer, I, Heathen
Edit - dupe
Love the tenet-deluded; despise the deluded-tenet. Aphorisms r'US

Edited by Ashton
Jan. 10, 2005, 05:43:42 PM EST
Oh Pshaw -
So facile to label the heathens/opposition, bigots. (That ploy had worked often, before/during the countless Wars of Organized Corporate Religions.)
Individuals are always Individuals.. right up to the joining of a mob. Lighten up.. what matters the loss a small green-blue planet In The Larger Scheme of Things? Hey.. I buy that the daily illusion IS a daily illusion. Too. (But at least I Know I can't 'Prove' that! to a garden variety demagogue-Certainty, that now most popular form of all meeja nondiscourse ;-)
Matters not which Corporate label a one affixes, except that in the US 'Christianity' is BIG, and I live here. But there's no important difference amongst 'fundamentalists' worldwide, in simultaneously Believing at the least -
A) I Possess (am possessed by) The. Truth. B) Those others: Don't. (And various nasty things shall happen to Those - for not Knowing What I Know) C) cha. cha. cha.
('Fundamentalist'? - a one who cannot discern allegory from myth, metaphor from historicity.. and has no intention of exploring those or any other ideas, preferring canned-Authority over all other sources of human mentation. If we need a definition, too.) Today these are no longer just individuals worshipping any old cockamamie thing - these are a Political Movement, with the *stated* aim of remanufacturing America into a/*their* theological model of 'Reality'. It's no longer just their Murican Dream - it's got *$Funding* (plus those nukes - never forget The Nukes).
Ergo, it's also no longer about some simple matter of 'freedom of individuals to worship any old cockamamie thing Believed' -- as we had supposed might be an attitude perpetually nurtured, while supported by the US Constitution. (Seems so liberal in its tolerance of that "any cockamamie thing" - doncha think? and 'liberal' is apparently the #1 murdered-concept du jour, yet to be 'tolerant' one must be 'liberal' in some connotation. Guess Boolean is never really enough of a substitute for reasoning.)
The Constitution is in tatters, the USSC is about to receive an infusion of ideologues only dreamt of by the likes of My Gramma. Seems that the next few generations are in palpable jeopardy, as the level of abortion of the Constitution is being worked out. And a few other activities are going apace, some may have noticed. As the wealth=Power steadily moves towards higher concentration.
All bets are off in the face of this frontal and lateral attack upon the Secular State. Screw that merely grating perpetual sanctimoniousness and the wordgame bullshit about, "loving the sinner / hating the sin" -- as many of the claimed-religieuse tacitly applauded the death of that young queer tied to the fence, et al. That was just normal human hypocrisy, and expected.
Now it is about a forming coalition which employ religio- rationales to achieve the death of a Republic (or at least sorta-Republic.. already well into a Corporatocracy).
As to any common denominator across n+1 sects -??- Anthem heard, too bloody- often:
Onward, Christian *soldiers* -- marching as to *war* ---> with the Cross of Jesus -----> Going on Before <snip> Like a Mighty *Army*.. ETC.
QED enough? Yup, it's Political AND it's now YAN fucking War. Even.. a War *about* the constant Warring, one might say. Let's seek Root causes, while seeking. I aver that the religio-fundamentalist mindset is the common cause of most every 'war' since the first priesthood established itself to sell salvation to folks, from things that go bump in the night. (Before that, it was about the usual litany of wants+power to Get them from someone not-Me.)
Hmmm - maybe.. the Good Christians will first kill-off the Righteous-Christians :-0 cha. cha. cha. and a New Fork. In the ear of the highly suggestible ... anything's Possible.
I Who Be or if you prefer, I, Heathen
Love the tenet-deluded; despise the deluded-tenet. Aphorisms r'US
Post #189,640
1/10/05 6:03:47 PM
1/10/05 6:04:04 PM

A+B+C=mmoffit, ash. Like it or not.
Ther is no QED in your statements. You demonstraded nothing but your willingness to demonize an entire group of people because of the hypocritical actions of a few. Oh. I get it. THAT'S what you wanted to demonstrate.
Cha. Cha. Cha.
] Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.

Edited by imric
Jan. 10, 2005, 06:04:04 PM EST
Post #189,644
1/10/05 6:21:19 PM

Re: A+B+C=mmoffit, ash. Like it or not.
You demonstraded nothing but your willingness to demonize an entire group of people because of the hypocritical actions of a few. Don't forget that he demonstrated a healthy dose of fear-mongering as well. "You think its bad NOW...just WAIT till the Pope gets appointed Supreme Justice." Let's waltz instead.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #189,657
1/10/05 7:40:52 PM

Pope's OK - unlikely ever to drop a nuke. The others ???
Post #189,660
1/10/05 8:09:48 PM

Pope is very happy that you aprove of him.
- I was involuntarily self-promoted into management.
[link||Richard Stallman]
Post #189,664
1/10/05 8:55:01 PM

Remember the bumper sticker?
"Nuke a gay whale for Christ"? I think its due for a comeback.
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. (Just trying to be accepted in the New America)
Post #189,666
1/10/05 9:04:36 PM

nuke all the unborn gay whales, revisionist stickerman you
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE clearwater highschool marching band [link||]
Post #189,668
1/10/05 9:07:06 PM

I got yer sticker raght cheer.
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. (Just trying to be accepted in the New America)
Post #189,842
1/11/05 6:24:52 PM

great I ordered 2, what kind of car you got again? :-)
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE clearwater highschool marching band [link||]
Post #189,852
1/11/05 7:03:31 PM

On a car in Indiana, those will get you shot!
bcnu, Mikem
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer. (Just trying to be accepted in the New America)