There was a difference in 1975.
I don't really give a tinker's damn what anyone believes. In 1975, the Pat Robertsons, Jerry Falwells, Jimmy & Tammy Fayes, Ralph Reeds, Jimmy Swaggarts, etc. ad nauseum all had their (as commonly defined at the time) "kookie followings" but none had any real political power. Which was as it should be (and still should be, forever and ever, amen).
But now, of course, we've seen the loonies creep into every crevice of our governance. Pat Robertson actually ran for president - and worse got (iirc) over one million votes! How you feel about some one who "speaks in tongues" having his finger on the button?
At a personal level, I don't care if you believe the earth is flat, the Universe circles the earth or that there's a nice old man keeping an eye on you from the heavens. Believe that all you want. Just DO NOT be placed in a position of power. Because if you believe all that lunacy about "revelations", you might just want it to get here quicker and, ironically, if such a person is in power I might want to end life on the planet quickly as well because I cannot imagine the horror of living in a Born Again Christian Theocracy.
Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
(Just trying to be accepted in the New America)