...in that while you complain about "the box" and wish for us to get outside of "the box"...I continually frustrate you by discussing things from inside "the box".
Could it be that I think "this box" is the right box?
For its flaws and weaknesses...its currently the best "box" to be in?
And so...I focus on making adjustments to "the box".
Would I like to discuss the design of the "better box"? Sure, Ashton, I really would. I would like to discuss how we can create such a box. Many have thought about the creation of that better box...tried and failed. The principle source of that failure is that these "boxers" believed that they could change basic human nature..as long as "the people" could see the promise inherent in the "better box."
So...if you want to hop out of the box Ash...and discuss how we start the revolution...and discuss what it is that we are actually trying to achieve...that would be great.
But the current tactic of pompous disbelief in my position that the current box is not so horrible that it needs to be thrown away outright...with no counterpoint and no offer of discussion of the other options is...well...just as disappointing to me as my positions appear to be to you.
And...as for your >thoughts< on what I believe >market forces< can and cannot do...it is extremely possible that I have made a grave error in assuming that you knew that the >market forces< are actually the cumulative effect of the actions of individual human beings. Individual human beings that I appear to give alot more credit to that you...as I feel that they can impact their own destiny...while you appear to think somewhat less of them...en masse.