your cruelty or your [link|| recklessness]". :-\ufffd

{diabolical chortle} You Must! .. Join, keeping tiny pocketed tape recorder running.

(As to your PPS - Indeed! those possessed of << supra-excessive 'feelin-Good-about MySelf'ism, would have joined Kiwanis or Elks or .. vicariously hung out at Cheers
(YAN Tee Vee hang-out-in-bars soap - of which you may be unaware, for lack of a tube?))

Corollary too, for the little essay you found a couple years back, re the 'self-analysis' attitudes of those who demonstrate competence VS those who merely stand and Wish. The poorest thought the highest, and so on.

It's a lovely formula; accords also with my own experience:
I first began to Question this stuff, on seeing my own numbers - from childhood and later. Engaged in a little test-run of then current Std. test, administered by a grad student perfecting her skills; as control [!?] I was paired with a physicist friend who was by then a bit bored with what led to his PhD, but was a brilliant innovator -- who went on to work for an aerospace concern, spinning off ideas/hour better than most folks' /month rate.

I Knew (from luck-of-draw close proximity to a number of unarguably Brilliant folk, across the years) how *my* talents 'compared'. Shall spare self, being no more specific. Thus obv to moi: the Number was ~pure BS - by inspection. And always Shall remain BS - until there is calibrated also:
the mental laziness factor.
[MLF? = a negative qty.]

IQ = 100 + INT + TST

Now That.. renders superfluous a few hundred even well-chosen introductory words..

Love. It.

PS - your thesis shall be rejected as surely as the Believer turns from that ol Debbil perched on the left shoulder and returns to the blood of the Lamb..