Both parties do marvelous jobs of ridiculing the others. [...]
In this refrain, I think we both agree. Both parties do a remarkable job.
You may agree or disagree, but the implication that this administration "hates freedom" more than the Taliban is pure and simply mean spirited left wing garbage. I'll be glad to point out good old fashioned right wing garbage (as I consistently have) when I hear it, thank you very much. Now reread that first post, think, then read mine, think, then read this one, think, then respond.
Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. I'm not arguing that the statement wasn't garbage, I'm arguing that the other party made similar statements against/to Democrats. These statements were/are ALSO garbage.
Maybe you're also willing to attack right wing garbage. If so, then I'll retract my statement, but *I* haven't seen you do it.
As you pointed out in your first post:
If you want to try to pursuade people to vote for your particular brand of slimeball politicians, please find a new marketing ploy...
My point is that this 'marketing' ploy has been in use for quite some time. Hell, if you want to go back to the 1950's, you'll find that McCarthy was a right-wing wacko who went off all on his own. In more recent times, you'll find additional "pure and mean spirited garbage" all over the place - up to and including a recent post that argued an ex-President said "We deserved to be attacked". come along and argue that these attacks shouldn't be allowed. I tend to agree with you, with the stipulation that neither side should be allowed to attack like this. Clinton may have used this type of attack as his "modus operandi"...but then again, he often also was/is the victim of this type of attack.