Must straddling be explained too?
Only a lawyer would confuse the idea of Devil's Advocate with: sufficient data to determine who IS the 'Devil', in a certain postulated situation. It's only a useful ploy where enough facts are known - otherwise it's just cant, from prior Conviction.
This entire thread could have been summarized yesterday with,
"Last Post:
We don't know enough yet, to guess which side is lying the more."
But instead it has proven a rather spread-out Rorschak of personal proclivities, when only an imaginary scenario is available. Amazing what the character map of this unknown woman has become: without any knowledge of her! except an association with a political party. (Seems likely to be a true-factoid, that membership)
Gosh - just like those Repubs to diss a Green. Just like those Greens to dis a Repub. Just like those Demos and Repubs.. to dis anyone with a mind.
..and *we're* supposed to be smarter than your average sheep! Baa Baa