Post #16,892
11/6/01 3:02:56 PM
This is some MORE = NEW 'rewrite' of the same. Yet:
It is still a merely 'formalized' re-presentation of the original *conflict* portrayed YESTERDAY in these threads. Just slightly rephrased: no new INFORMATION except from ONE side.
Given that we STILL DON'T HAVE SUFFICIENT DATA about what *might* actually have occurred from start to finish: as by say - a number of witnesses who corroborate each other (?):
This has been an exercise re WHICH SIDE a one automatically heads for (?) YOURS is as apparent as it is repetitive: the individual, in your eyes is obviously MORE LIKELY to have been WRONG -- whenever there is a CONFLICT! Q.E. fucking D.
And contrary to your automatic and smarmy assumptions -
gotta watch those assumptions; it isn't good even in Economic Theory 101, BeeP -
*I* don't give a flying fsck whether this person was Green, Reddish Indian or a Republican Party Charwoman. Nor do you: she questioned authority and.. THAT is impermissible in your circumcised ^h -scribed worldview.
Pattern-recognition is a terrible thing to waste, Oh Stat-groupie. Should I ignore your stats then ??
Post #16,899
11/6/01 3:17:13 PM
Question authority?
Refuse mandatory screening.
If she has a problem with airline security...she has every right to go to Chicago by train, car, bus..assuming that she doesn't refuse >their< security measures as well.
Or maybe...because some people don't like it...we should just eliminate security altogether? At least we won't have anyone feeling like their rights are being violated.
You never know who thinks they're the cat's meow...
I bet the folks at the airport have >never< heard the words..."Don't you know who I am????"
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #16,911
11/6/01 3:29:20 PM
Yes, Authority *may* have told a truer? version here.
but WE DON'T KNOW [YET!] <<<
but YOU ARE pretty SURE - automatically. And from the FIRST.
(On my jury: first free challenge for Cause. Your Honor, this person has demonstrated an innate prejudice to the point of predictability - for believing whatever story an Authority tells him. Here are some printouts. Sustained. Next?)
Post #16,927
11/6/01 4:01:46 PM
Really simple...
...pick a position. Attack both sides...if your position is "we don't know" then quit riding my back and straddle both horses...ok cowboy?
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #16,930
11/6/01 4:06:32 PM
Oh I *am* straddling both horses: You Picked Automatically.
We cowboys have seen lots of cattle and sheep led to slaughter, and we are quite athletic except..
when jumping to a conclusion with eyes closed: we're too smart to fall for That one. Twice.
Post #16,936
11/6/01 4:14:42 PM
No we're not...
...or haven't you noticed your decided lack of posts following the other horse.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #16,953
11/6/01 4:32:35 PM
Must straddling be explained too?
Only a lawyer would confuse the idea of Devil's Advocate with: sufficient data to determine who IS the 'Devil', in a certain postulated situation. It's only a useful ploy where enough facts are known - otherwise it's just cant, from prior Conviction.
This entire thread could have been summarized yesterday with,
"Last Post: We don't know enough yet, to guess which side is lying the more."
But instead it has proven a rather spread-out Rorschak of personal proclivities, when only an imaginary scenario is available. Amazing what the character map of this unknown woman has become: without any knowledge of her! except an association with a political party. (Seems likely to be a true-factoid, that membership)
Gosh - just like those Repubs to diss a Green. Just like those Greens to dis a Repub. Just like those Demos and Repubs.. to dis anyone with a mind.
..and *we're* supposed to be smarter than your average sheep! Baa Baa
Post #16,959
11/6/01 4:36:20 PM
But I've given you my reasoning... with it what you will.
And its NOT just because she's Green and they are Authority.
Shame that doesn't fit with what you believe me to be.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #16,982
11/6/01 5:04:13 PM
Sorry: I must have believed my statistics. Too. :[