I worked in hospitals for six years.
Seen my share of prima dona pricks (aka Residents).
Then for a Health Plan for six more - where I really began to understand the scale of clinician greed. My wife has been an R.N. for twenty years. I know what the fuck a resident is. And I know that as a medical school student you go to 2 years grad school, get 2 years ojt as an intern, then pick a specialty that ranges from two to six years of residency. And they put in a lot of hours as paid residents - and they take call, something the little shits bitch about constantly. Presumeably because they finished medical school and expect to become deities w/out the trouble of completing residency. And at the end of their residencies, they get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I'm too old now to go to medical school. And I probably don't have the rote memorization skills to do it anyway. Also, I'm too fucking inquisitive (like, I wouldn't feel comfortable prescribing whatever the fucking PDR says to give a patient with symptoms x, y and z without knowing exactly how the fucking drug I'm prescribing works - and damned few - if any - clinicians can tell you that).
Plus, I'd be excluded anyway on account of my ancestry. You see, my parents were married when I was born and the AMA claims they can't break precedent by allowing some one with my background into medical school. ;-p
(No offense to Mrs. Tilly. I have about a half dozen very close friends who are clinicians and their general view of the vast majority of their peers differs only imperceptably from mine).
If you can read this, you are not the President.