Because you're envying me for choices that you're free to make for yourself. If you don't like the consequences of your choices, then choose differently! It ain't rocket science - your decisions affect what you get.
First of all what is, "warm enough to do it year round" supposed to mean? Somehow I walked year round in NYC. It didn't matter whether it was 15 or high 90's out, sun, rain or snow. I even walked home through the tail end of a hurricane once! About 45 min per day of whatever was out there. (OK, I admit that when it was easy to catch a cab in the morning I cabbed that direction. But when it wasn't, I would just walk the thing. There were never cabs on the way back.) Ditto when I lived in NH. 20 below sucks, lemme tell you. But I still went out in it.
Don't bother bitching about how you're too much of a wimp to walk in whatever climate you're in.
Oh, but perhaps you envy me the fact that I live within walking distance of work. Well I'll tell you how I got that. I got a job. Then I moved close to it. I pay a premium - a small 1 br costs me nearly $1500/month. That's worth it to me. If a similar choice isn't worthwhile for you, that's your choice. Don't complain. I live in a city where 1 hour commutes are standard. I can walk to work. I could have a reasonable amount of space, but then I'd have the commute. I can avoid the commute, but I have to pay for it. I made my decision, and I don't complain about it. Why do you whimper about your choices?
Of course you could envy me the fact that NOW I'm in California. But how is it my fault that you can't figure out how to get the climate you want? Want California climate? Then move here! It ain't rocket science. Plenty of idiots figure that out, why can't you?
Any further complaints will be dismissed as the pointless whines that they obviously are are.