A messiah-complex trumps every manner of sexual infantilism, big hair or the normal neurotic list which accompanies immersion in Murican culture. This nutcase, with 90% of the Rapturin-Out folks as got him in - "answers only to [what he imagines to be Their] 'God'"; no slightest concept of what a 'Constitution' might mean. No sense of duty to its content. Remember? -Crusade-
That aberration *alone* makes the scale of Shrub's monstrousness FAR MORE DANGEROUS to the continuing non-use of nukes in the world, than the hundreds of things which Clinton might ? have done: but. never. Did.
The intelligence/character aspect is just as bad;
I don't give a shit about how cleverly he plays the folksy card - and how compelling that is proven to be, to the vacant - Shrub's execrable absence of interest in (thus knowledge of) history, and of how the non-rich actually live, means that he can next go off on any cockamamie tangent as might seem capable of diverting attention; and saving his sinecure. He has demonstrated how much he will dissemble ex post facto. How many examples would you need?
[Now tell me again about Clinton's 'silver spoon', that it was his $$ and 'family connections' which got him a Rhodes stipend.]
You may dislike both for their being polar opposites to (your image of) Stonewall Jackson or Audie Murphy - but that does not make them alike or in any way equivalent.
That's plain fucking Language Murder, closely akin to Jesuit simplification right on down to meaninglessness.