For some reason {surely. there. Is. one.} going to Ubersoft today:

Displays the splendid Beast-twitting quite well, but gets, near the top
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"); } else if (gavzadup == "gavzad") { if (ord < 980000) { document.write(''); document.write('</S'+'CRIPT>'); } if (ord >= 980000 && ord < 1000000) { document.write(''); document.write('</S'+'CRIPT>'); } } else { document.writeln(''); } //-->
official Keenspot privacy statement
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- - with all text lines in [strike(out)] mode! -- this continues throughout page (though not the text-within graphics, of course).

Oops: this phenom occurs if I leave filters on; usually I don't. at yours and some other places -- Hell, I even click on the Ads sometimes, at such oases.
Filters turned off - I see normal display; prolly to do with script managing..

This with Moz 1.5, Doze 98-lite etc. Just thought you might like to see if there's a missing [/strike] in the ad-insert department.



Edit typos