Post #146,348
3/15/04 6:53:36 PM
3/15/04 6:55:09 PM

Re: Perhaps, but existence is not always obsession
If this is the case, why did the news media more or less cover up the fate of the WTC jumpers? Clearly people are NOT comfortable with violence. (At least 200 of 1344 victims in the north tower jumped on 9/11, far more than is generally thought.) Why is it OK to vicariously experience the suffering of a distant historical person, but the actual horror of a living person who might be your neighbor, is off limits?
Actually in Braveheart, I suppose there is nothing gratuitous.

Edited by deSitter
March 15, 2004, 06:55:09 PM EST
Re: Perhaps, but existence is not always obsession
If this is the case, why did the news media more or less cover up the fate of the WTC jumpers? Clearly people are NOT comfortable with violence. (At least 200 of 1344 victims in the north tower jumped on 9/11, far more than is generally thought.) Why is it OK to vicariously experience the suffering of a distant historical person, but the actual horror of a living person who might be your neighbor, is off limits.
Actually in Braveheart, I suppose there is nothing gratuitous.
Post #146,371
3/15/04 7:29:59 PM

Violence in theatre is different
Violence in the World Trade Center is a tragedy. When we watch a movie or a play (a play -- Shakespeare is one of the most violent playwrights ever!) violence is used to measure the hero or heroine in the face of adversity.
A man learns that his father was murdered by a scheming brother, and tries to avenge his father's restless spirit. In the end, just about everyone dies.
A man learns that he is fated to be king, and is convinced to attain that position by killing everyone in his way. he then learns that he is fated to die, and when the time comes, he rushes into it fearlessly.
A man becomes king, despite a deformity that makes people inclined to distrust him, by killing just about everyone. It a full-scale entire war to undo the damage he did in the process.
Two nations fight over a woman. A lot of people die on both sides.
A great emperor goes power-mad and is murdered by people who used to be his friends.
Violence, violence, violence. When Scarface came out, people called it "too violent." They had a problem with the language, too, so I understand. People didn't like the Godfather because it "glorified the mob." Lots of movies push the envelope and make peopel uncomfortable... that's not the point.
Gibson isn't being targetted because of some supposed violence fetish. He's being targeted as "too violent" because the anti-semitism thing won't stick, and he pissed people off because he bankrolled a film he believed in, risking financial ruin and ridicule, and it turned out to be an amazing success.
Nobody likes an idealist unless they lose. Gibson didn't lose, and now people want him to pay for it.
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?" - Edward Young
Post #146,373
3/15/04 7:37:20 PM

no the movie was something he wanted to do
whether it made dollar one or not. Hollywood wouldnt touch it. I admire a man who forges ahead. John Wayne wanted to make the Alamo, it didnt have the same success. Now Hollywood see's the dollar bill on the wall. What they dont realize is that the christians who are flocking to see what may be the best realistic movie about a central tenet of their religion a documentary as if you were one of the crowd. Anything else out of the bible will be hit or miss. As for me I would love to see a detailed movie wih all the fun bits being shown, the story of Job, hafta rate it XXX I imagine. thanx, bill
when I was young I envisioned myself as the embodiment of Trinity, Now I realize I have turned into the Bambino questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #146,379
3/15/04 7:56:55 PM
3/15/04 7:57:31 PM

"Get Job!", the movie
"He's lost his job, his woman, and his car keys - and it isn't even 10 AM.
<cue action flick music>
"It's the worst day of his life - and it's just gotten started! It's going to get a LOT worse!"
<action flick explosions and more music>
...Mel Gibson IS Job!"

Edited by deSitter
March 15, 2004, 07:57:31 PM EST
Post #146,385
3/15/04 8:17:13 PM

Re: Violence in theatre is different. Addendum
A man learns that his father, an ex-president, was targetted by a Bad man. He, now a President, selects/fabricates evidence so as to punish that Bad man (already long on his personal agenda and that of his cronies), thus enlists an entire nation and its young expendables - all while ignoring several Other Bad men.
Many people die, the Bad man's country proves a morass of irreconcilable Differences, most persisting over centuries.
Another country, a party to the plan: suffers hundreds dead and a thousand maimed. (Its people blame the pact of support for the invasion of Bad man #1, and now seek to end that support, as they ended that Government.)
Stay tuned for the denouement. Shakespeare would have been proud!
The fault lies not in the stars, dear Brutus, but in ourselves, for we are underlings.
Post #146,386
3/15/04 8:24:20 PM

So then...
Are you in favor of banning Shakespeare on the grounds that George Bush is an idiot?
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?" - Edward Young
Post #146,387
3/15/04 8:28:11 PM

It's always less risky to shoot dead messengers___:-\ufffd
Post #146,389
3/15/04 8:38:19 PM

LOL. Well writ!
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?" - Edward Young