Where there is NO 'job security' / no sense that any bizness 'owes' any tithe, planning consideration -- for the privilege of using/abusing the US infrastructure (except whatever taxes they can't manage to elude via the Caymans and faux justifications for imported McD workers
There is NO job security anywhere in America anymore. Gone are the days for example, in St. Louis where if you got lucky enough to get a job at McDonnell Douglas or Emerson Electric, you were basically set for life.
TRUE job security has become a thing of the past and I think that's one of the biggest problems today is that people can't relax and feel secure and safe in their jobs anymore, be it IT, factory work, or Mcdonalds. It's not just the IT business that has no job security or just the IT business that has radically changed as far as how employees are treated, it's the entire working world.
Nightowl >8#