jumping in
Our app is odd(to me) because all packets from one peice of the application to another is handed off via corba bridges, even between parts of the app that reside on the same machine. All of the packets are xml packets that are assembled and disassembled and transfered via the corba IDL. all the data is in xml packets. The app was written to specs designed by all the wireless carriers. I think what you are looking into is the future as well.
I do hold an englishman's brothel is his castle , where he should behave accordingly--as many flash tails as he likes , but none of the troop fornications that the orientals and germans indulge in. Its not the indecency I mind , but the company of a lot of boozy brutes hallooing and kicking up a deuce of a row when I want to concentrate and give off my best. A regular bacchanalia is something to see right enough, but I am with the discriminating Frog who said that one is interesting, but only a cad would make a habit of it.
Sir Harold Flashman esquire VC OBE
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]