Of course there are Christians (And Islamists, Hindus ...) who are not hypocrites! (Nor have I any cause to number you among the ones who are). My beef is with the entire process - it doesn't work; it hasn't worked - it apparently Cannot Work: if the aim is a world capable of refraining from self-immolation.. shortly. (We have the Means -- and pleny of meanness to employ those.)

What I 'despise' is not Christians or even 'Christians'; merely - hypocrisy and simplemindedness, however labeled. And it is simpleminded to arrogate to oneself exclusive possession of a direct pipeline to The One 'Personal God\ufffd'.

The consequences of such hubris == Our History of duelling mobs of True Believers. Perpetual war. (matters not WTF each one 'believes' - as long as My Mob Wins).

That otherwise well-meaning people - tolerate, silently.. as spokespersons for their creed! the likes of a Pat Robertson or a Foulwell - is indication enough that the entire method Fails. I've lived around more Christians than others - so I can enumerate their follies with more specificity. No need. Any can see who will look at the record of Believer VS Believer.

Within one generation of an Avatar's preachment (of Universal Principles always understood by wise persons globally and historically) -- Corporate Priesthood has begun its entrenchment -- with eyes fully upon retaining the power and status within Corporatocracies everywhere. That is How it fails. (I suppose that the hubris is a sufficiency of Why.)

Today, 2004.
Massive quantities of nukes now make it crucial that our species abandon this adolescent warmongering-for-'God', despite there being yet no powerful coordinated movement away from.. the sordid malevolence of the preachers of hate, whether towards homos? unbelievers? or just - anyone Different. Who shall finally oppose these wielders of microphones for Corporate-gone-Wrong?

And today.. we have a bogus 'leader' who lives the role of the perfect inciter to massive violence to come:

Bring. 'Em. ON. ------>

He will. Bring 'Em ON. If allowed to continue alienating, state-by-state - the remainder of the planet. And many so-called Christians have been - will be egging him on. God Is On OUR Side. cha. cha. cha.

Some 'Christians', those.



PS - I've read the Bible, more than once.
No question that JC got a lot Right, as does every Avatar. His parables were great for the mentations of the times. Avatars aren't that uncommon; many who 'Realize' What it is We Are: we just don't hear much about..

That matter, though - just isn't discussed in (just for you :) 'America'.

Jesus of Nazareth would barf at the wealth, power, obtuseness of the Corporation that 'just grew like Topsy' - IMhO.

Except for JC (guesses-at-quotes) - it's a committee hack. Paul a obv misogynist - and likely impotent. Connection?
Where's the Gospel of Thomas, in the 'Approved' Version? <<

The Kingdom of Heaven is all around you. But you will not see..

Now THAT was metaphysical. And simple enough to verify, if one does the internal work which nobody else can do for the lazy.

Not the deathly crap of Leviticus and the LSD-bad trip of Revelations - as garner so many haters of-the-Different.. ever since. We have whole broadcast Networks! Dedicated.. to haters. All waitin to Rapture out and watch the Bad Ones fry. {'cause surely moi Shall Be Chosen! cha cha}

Yep - I read it. Carefully.
Ever read the Gita? Arjuna has some things to Teach Us, also.
As does 'Advaita'. Etc.

..And.. It's all OPEN SOURCE <<<