On the other hand let me offer my version, see if you think that it is acceptable. I predict that in 10 years the following will still be accepted within the scientific community (yes, I'm deliberately not accepting the ICR's claims) about the Grand Canyon:
- It was created by erosion, including obviously that from the Colorado River.
- It was created in the last 10 million years, and more than 100,000 years ago. I'm putting wide error bars because I'm trying to sandwich current estimates of 1-6 million years. (Getting an exact time is hard because the river now flows in solid rock that is very hard to erode. The nature of erosion is that as it goes on, it wears away the record of when stuff was taken away before. Therefore it is hard to determine when the canyon got started.)
- The major layers described in, say, [link|http://www.earth.rochester.edu/ees201/BeroN/Bero.htm|Grand Canyon Rock Layers] will still exist, still be thought to have been formed the same way, and their estimated ages will still be within 15% of what we currently estimate them at.
Is this a bet that you can accept? If so, then I'll gladly accept $50 from you in 2014.
On scientific facts, I've always been precise about what I use that phrase for. In return I must say that I've appreciated how little I've talked to you in the last few years, and I'm somewhat disappointed that my lucky streak is broken.