Post #130,206
12/11/03 8:32:21 AM

Brace yourself men! It's another OWL shitstorm!
The Cyber sister shrieks again! Fragile femme on the mouth-path!
Post #130,214
12/11/03 9:18:07 AM

[A]bort, [R]etry, [I]gnore?
"There's nothing more nervous than a million dollars. It does not speak French, it does not speak English, it does not speak German and it moves very fast."
-- Jean Chretien
Post #130,225
12/11/03 9:54:28 AM

init 0
Post #130,228
12/11/03 9:56:31 AM
12/11/03 10:26:42 AM

Sorry DeSitter, you're wrong.
You haven't ever even SEEN a real Owl shitstorm ONLINE.
Nightowl >8#
Edit: added ONLINE.
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}

Edited by Nightowl
Dec. 11, 2003, 10:26:42 AM EST
Post #130,238
12/11/03 10:24:23 AM

Re: Sorry DeSitter, you're wrong.
I assume this response to my harmless sarcasm is a threat, and since I live in the same city and am not "connected" as the natives are, I'm forced to take it seriously - the more so since I fully understand what hysterical women are capable of doing, particularly ones who are (by their own admission) mentally disturbed.
I will leave it to the administrators to decide how to handle this matter. I cannot remain here under these conditions.
Post #130,239
12/11/03 10:26:17 AM
12/11/03 10:31:04 AM

It was not a threat -- I edited it to say online
I just meant that I haven't been angry enough to truly "flame" someone, and I would NEVER hurt anyone physically, and if you choose to believe that I'm sorry.
I don't even know where you live, remember? I couldn't find you. And a lot iwetheyer's know where one another live and make comments like that whether in sarcasm or flippancy, or sometimes anger, and I can't see that as reason for anyone to be removed from the board or leave the board. Sheesh are you ever overreacting.
You have been antagonizing me for days, trying to make me explode, and I've been doing my best not to do that, so you are the cause of the problem here, not me.
I hope the administrators realize this because I know I've done nothing wrong.
Nightowl >8#
Edited: added a sentence in second paragraph.
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}

Edited by Nightowl
Dec. 11, 2003, 10:27:29 AM EST

Edited by Nightowl
Dec. 11, 2003, 10:31:04 AM EST
Post #130,245
12/11/03 10:32:39 AM

Re: It was not a threat.
Nevertheless, I feel threatened, particularly since "Nightowl" has manufactured the belief that I "want to meet her", which could not be more wrong.
My instincts about such things are nearly perfect, and my alarms are all ringing.
I leave it to the administrators to decide what is best - if that includes me leaving the group, then I can live with it.
Post #130,248
12/11/03 10:35:09 AM

This is laughable..
I'll give Scott the police precinct number whom I called when I was trying to find you on the phone. He can speak to the officer who personally assisted me in my search for you, and was prepared to go "rescue" you from your apartment at a moment's notice.
If that doesn't back my credibility, I don't know what would. Just let me alone, Ross.
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #130,252
12/11/03 10:42:26 AM

Re: This is laughable.. (new thread)
Created as new thread #130251 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=130251|Re: This is laughable..]
Post #130,272
12/11/03 11:17:29 AM

Time to apply a clue by four
Just let me alone, Ross. Maybe you could try, oh.. I don't know, not fucking responding to him?
----------------------------------------- Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Post #130,277
12/11/03 11:23:35 AM
12/11/03 11:24:47 AM

It works both ways
And he's the one who has been blasting me (& John) in otherwise reasonable conversations, lately.
Nightowl >8#
Edit: added "& John"
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}

Edited by Nightowl
Dec. 11, 2003, 11:24:47 AM EST
Post #130,296
12/11/03 11:45:58 AM

Is this the part..
...where we hear the kids screaming...
"But she started it?"
"No I didn't. SHE started it."
Be the adult.
End it.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
It goes in, it must come out.Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law
Post #130,275
12/11/03 11:20:06 AM

In case anybody is questioning why....
I believed a certain someone wanted to meet me in person on here....
Read this post. (Scott, please check this post for reference also).
Thanks, I'm done with this subset of the current topic.
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #130,286
12/11/03 11:33:12 AM

oh, come now...
I see no reason to involve admin in this dustup when a simple restraining order would do the trick.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #130,289
12/11/03 11:37:40 AM

inquiring minds guano know
(but only in the FQ) what, exactly, constitutes a "real" online owline shitstorm? Can't be volume or frequency. Higher phosphorus content perhaps?
Post #130,292
12/11/03 11:42:12 AM

You don't really want to know, do you?
It usually means I stop being "nice" and start "breathing fire."
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #130,303
12/11/03 12:03:53 PM

"none shall pass"
BLACK KNIGHT: Have at you! [kick] ARTHUR: Eh. You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine. BLACK KNIGHT: Oh, had enough, eh? ARTHUR: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left. BLACK KNIGHT: Yes, I have. ARTHUR: Look! BLACK KNIGHT: Just a flesh wound. [kick] ARTHUR: Look, stop that. BLACK KNIGHT: Chicken! [kick] Chickennn! ARTHUR: Look, I'll have your leg. [kick] Right! [whop] [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's right leg off] BLACK KNIGHT: Right. I'll do you for that! ARTHUR: You'll what? BLACK KNIGHT: Come here! ARTHUR: What are you going to do, bleed on me? BLACK KNIGHT: I'm invincible! ARTHUR: You're a looney.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #130,378
12/11/03 5:46:32 PM

I love that!
Monty Python is awesome!
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #130,437
12/12/03 2:16:02 AM
12/12/03 2:17:53 AM

[Edit: Took out a few 'O's, to cut down on right-shift.]

Edited by CRConrad
Dec. 12, 2003, 02:17:53 AM EST
Post #130,455
12/12/03 10:15:50 AM

yes, it is well that the owl flies low
since much of the traffic here goes by dangerously fast overhead.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #130,458
12/12/03 10:28:13 AM

I believe...
Those are flies up there.
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
Post #130,293
12/11/03 11:42:31 AM

Re: inquiring minds guano know
You should know, Uncle G, that it *is* possible to rachet up the gamma of a graphics chip to the point that your screen becomes a white fuzzy glow and begins to attract metal objects - (well, the latter only works on cheap Korean monitors...)