While I am regretful that events turned out the way they did, I cannot honestly say that my position has altered. Where a group asset is involved, it's just old fashioned manners to ask folks before messing with it.
I'm minded of a barn up on the hill. It's ours; we built it with our own toil and sweat. We're rightfully proud of it, and awfully attached to it. We use it for all sorts of things. Some people keep chickens in it, others hold meetings in it, yet others have a corner where they quietly work away on their own stuff, occasionally hollering the group to give a progress report.
Someone wants to use the barn for something it's never been used for before. It's not tremendously inconvenient, but on principle alone you'd figure that some of the group would take exception, even though you'd expect that the majority would be OK with it.
Wouldn't YOU ask, even if only to avert a confrontation?