Post #125,014
11/10/03 9:24:23 PM

WTF is going on?
Some of us don't jabber or do lists, so we're left to wonder..
Hope whatever it is gets better.
Post #125,015
11/10/03 9:33:18 PM

Trust me Ross....
You don't wanna know.
It is a 15 way bitchfest on the Mailing list about using the Mailing list for "iwe@www," logins (or whatever) and about half of the e-mail being non-sequitor. And some removal of admin privs... after a not well thought out removal of the wrong subscriber.
Truse me... it ain't worth re-hashing.
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
Post #125,023
11/10/03 10:17:11 PM

Kangaroo Court in session
Claiming 'tyranny-of-majority privileges' sans even the courtesy of a plebiscite, to determine just what size the Minority view might be. Hmmm - just like Government.
Factoid: Of 3 with Admin privileges, 2 have decided to break sword and rip off epaulets of #3. Now The Two are 100% Right, for agreeing with each other. There is no 'minority view'. Neat, convenient, Righteous. Possibly portentous on a larger scale than some minor List.
What's it about? Karsten Did Something without formal vote of all the tacit, unparticipating roster.. *First*. Much pissing and moaning over an idea K. thought perhaps helpful to many? a few? some?
What do I think it's about? [opinion]
(it doesn't really matter What idea, above - except to observe that - if not liked, the consequences are vanishingly small, easily rectifiable and thus fucking petty to waste a shit-load of stupid homilies over. And sanctimonious hyperbole.)
About: Control-freakery; the nagging under-the-surface fear that somehow, somewhere - someone might . . . try a little idea that seems neat -- but Of Which I Have No Need\ufffd. And He Didn't Ask *moi* First. As in, so much for allowing for small experimentation without Formal Procedures.
(ie Imagine a discussion of 'democracy' by someone who'd never read Walt Whitman's pithy remarks upon our obdurate know-nothingism of the idea -- then fold into the mix the cute ditty, The Murican Peepul Think ___.) [/opinion]
Fact - if Karsten really doesn't reconsider: TWiki -??- and the few thousand (?) hours as went into his contributions: Let The List manage. Let 'Them' as talks 'Do'.
{Sheesh} - and from this Dress Rehearsal: wonder what the Hive Mind will say (never mind 'Do') when morning news announces the Next 'invasion' (begun last night, for Your Security) or a little response to NK. Or - -
Post #125,025
11/10/03 10:30:33 PM

His admin right was forfeit... the simple fact that he used it to remove a member just because he disagreed.
He has since apologized. Rightly so.
The rest is the largest freakin over-reaction fest I have ever seen on the part of anyone.
He was asked not to something ever again. He did it again. And the people who asked the first time got upset again.
Big surprise?
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #125,031
11/10/03 11:23:42 PM

What Bill said.
Karsten got defrocked because he seriously fucked up, Ashton, in case you missed it (which you did). It had very little to do with the web registrations, and an awful lot to do with him abusing his admin status by unsubscribing a member for disagreeing with him.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #125,032
11/11/03 12:10:50 AM

Re: What Bill said.
What was the topic at hand?
Karsten has always been a model of sanity. I can't imagine him doing that.
Maybe he's having troubles.
Post #125,050
11/11/03 3:44:05 AM

I didn't miss that.
(And I hate to 'consider the source' in such unnecessary brouhahas - because it's an attitude both demeaning and condescending to numbers of folks.)
I hope it was worth it - this small experiment on default mail addresses and their Cosmic Importance. Unclear whether Karsten's little test might have proved handy for a few; I never got a chance to vote. But (even) I can see, that the reversal of his efforts would have been simple - whether or not it was liked by some of the silent ones - or was not very useful.
I also read with comprehension the content of some of the Other Admin exchanges - with at least two noticeable sub-topics:
1) Whether or not Peter's comment to RM was a suggestion.. or a threat. RM was not going-with-the-program.
2) Whether or not Rob N had any POV of his own - or had created a "Majority Mob" opinion in his head - which would obviate the need for his ever having a POV.
I also read Yaz's exchanges, and all the rest. He doesn't come here though, so. (So ... WTF has his opinion to do with zIWE?)
Perfection - appears to be about universally absent, whichever way one looks at 1) or 2). And I see that I am not alone in viewing the matter from this angle, quite apart from any techno issues.
Karsten's error in judgment re banning seems.. to have occurred following too little sleep [??] and during the onset of breathless personal excoriations. I've met Karsten. Karsten is Not an irrational vengeance-seeking person. Normally. Period. That is my circumstantial evidence.
He may be impatient with certain formatory rules. What a dastardly trait, apparently. I don't pretend to be privy to all the details that appear to bug a bunch of folks, but I noted the complaints about his a bunch of SPAM-related crap back to M$, apparently without considering BW costs. Maybe there's more and then again.. maybe what I was reading was just what it looked like:
the invective of common gossip, triggered in exaggerated fashion - for trying a trivial experiment that could easily have been undone. And then: not immediately apologizing for opposing a 'majority'! (of a small % of the usually completely silent 'List'). Who Knows What The. List. might have made of such a 'convenience feature' - we don't know. Moot.
The dudgeon wasn't about some imaginary damage already done -- but much more about Not Asking Permission.. of The List. Mother, May I?
Nice work, mob. And screw the very much work he has contributed over the years, not just in the n-hours refining TWiki. Not to mention the lore which would make him a National Treasure in any small country. And, even where I don't care to employ the subject matter - I can damn well discern an excellent tech writer. That he is.
AND THIS AIN'T TRIVIAL: at least insofar as links to IWE appear to be morphing into Google; are a springboard to (among other things) Andrew's Opus Maximus - of All the skinny on M$, presented in readable form .. by Anyone with half a brain. And ""we"" [but not *I*] just fired a Writer, in this diminishing pool.
Do something Rash: R I P P L E S . . .
So then - in perspective I see: If *YOU* Scott, had gotten pissed some particularly evil-Friday (say, with a weekend ahead of you fixing a major system fuck-up you'd warned about but they went ahead and..) .. and banned somebody who'd been carping: bet $$, your uncharacteristic rash act would be pointed out with damn little hyperbole, much understanding and no ad-hominem - and you'd have a chance to fix it. (And no doubt- would).
And remember: why-it-was that One was banned. There were arguments against your decision, but they were civil, unlike today's pile-on. And recall how it was that example #2: was meant to be a limited time-span ban. (Though it had the effect of permanence, in hindsight.)
I don't like mobs. In Armanis or Levis. This was a hissy fit about Not Going through Channels; an attitude which prevents Surprises, including pleasant ones. That overreaction led to his lapse -?- close enough for (my) Government analysis.
I'll miss his intelligence, his competence and.. his aberrations - all in all, a lot kinder compendium, I deem - than the viciousness of his Punishment for Trying Something\ufffd. I'm disappointed that this little experiment in 'democracy' managed to miss the point about tolerance of individual peculiarities: completely.
And responses to several of Rick M's efforts to bring that perspective, convince me that I'm not imagining the overkill of invective. (and Hey.. I've been flamed for stupid-kid name games by the very same RM - could I be reverse-biased? like a 12AX7)
I could be wrong, natch. Maybe when you get to know C+, you don't need human psych any more. You want perfect consensus? EZ - pull plug.
IT - Eats Its Own
Ashton I don't know C. But I know the Haydn Trumpet Concerto - it's in E-flat. As a trumpeter I have made errors. There was no punishment - except that of more practice. Were this a universal trait . . .
I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called 'brightness', but it doesn't work. Gallagher
Post #125,052
11/11/03 3:59:16 AM

Re: I didn't miss that.
1) Whether or not Peter's comment to RM was a suggestion.. or a threat. RM was not going-with-the-program. It was a request, as clarified. I'd stated my opinion, Rick had stated his. They don't meet in the middle, and no amount of argumentation will ever change that. Karsten's error in judgment re banning seems.. to have occurred following too little sleep [??] and during the onset of breathless personal excoriations. I've met Karsten. Karsten is Not an irrational vengeance-seeking person. Normally. Period. That is my circumstantial evidence. Unfortunately one of the consequences of being an admin of anything is that one's hissy fits have magnified consequences. The dudgeon wasn't about some imaginary damage already done -- but much more about Not Asking Permission.. of The List. Mother, May I? How about, "guys, mind if I do this thing?"? Nice work, mob. And screw the very much work he has contributed over the years, not just in the n-hours refining TWiki. Not to mention the lore which would make him a National Treasure in any small country. And, even where I don't care to employ the subject matter - I can damn well discern an excellent tech writer. That he is. I can't say I'm exactly pleased with this outcome, myself. AND THIS AIN'T TRIVIAL: at least insofar as links to IWE appear to be morphing into Google; are a springboard to (among other things) Andrew's Opus Maximus - of All the skinny on M$, presented in readable form .. by Anyone with half a brain. And ""we"" [but not *I*] just fired a Writer, in this diminishing pool. No, he fired himself. He took a decision. I respect him for doing that, even though I think it's the wrong decision. If *YOU* Scott, had gotten pissed some particularly evil-Friday<
(say, with a weekend ahead of you fixing a major system fuck-up you'd warned about but they went ahead and..)
.. and banned somebody who'd been carping:
bet $$, your uncharacteristic rash act would be pointed out with damn little hyperbole, much understanding and no ad-hominem - and you'd have a chance to fix it. (And no doubt- would). I'd have ripped him a new arsehole to the best of my abilities. I'd expect others to do the same. I'll miss his intelligence, his competence and.. his aberrations - all in all, a lot kinder compendium, I deem - than the viciousness of his Punishment for Trying Something\ufffd. I'm disappointed that this little experiment in 'democracy' managed to miss the point about tolerance of individual peculiarities: completely. There has been spectacular overreaction from all sides. The final outcome is very unfortunate. It didn't need to happen. No winners this time.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #125,074
11/11/03 8:08:25 AM

Honestly said.
I don't believe any variant of the blame game is remotely applicable, and I'm glad that you seem similarly inclined. And while I may well be a Party-of-One, I also don't believe that "the rulez" about list management can count for a bucket ot warm spit, re human events that took years to form. (Note how quickly National Honor can come dangerously close to the toilet rapidly, after a lot of years building it.)
Thanks for a sane set of observations. I hope that some apologies shall happen. More, I hope they prove acceptable - trust can be reearned, and that's always an odd situation, one which can only help both 'sides' become less judgmental. Wiser? An opportunity, almost (!)
Post #125,077
11/11/03 8:18:07 AM

Re: Honestly said.
While I am regretful that events turned out the way they did, I cannot honestly say that my position has altered. Where a group asset is involved, it's just old fashioned manners to ask folks before messing with it.
I'm minded of a barn up on the hill. It's ours; we built it with our own toil and sweat. We're rightfully proud of it, and awfully attached to it. We use it for all sorts of things. Some people keep chickens in it, others hold meetings in it, yet others have a corner where they quietly work away on their own stuff, occasionally hollering the group to give a progress report.
Someone wants to use the barn for something it's never been used for before. It's not tremendously inconvenient, but on principle alone you'd figure that some of the group would take exception, even though you'd expect that the majority would be OK with it.
Wouldn't YOU ask, even if only to avert a confrontation?
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #125,079
11/11/03 8:28:17 AM

Some people like Surprises.
In hindsight - sure, better.. But if a thing can be undone in a trice anyway - Who Is Harmed? How intractable is too intractable.. re any tradition or policy?
The answer is undoubtedly
Post #125,166
11/11/03 3:15:34 PM

Some take a long time learning that
Wouldn't YOU ask, even if only to avert a confrontation? Some people take a long time learning that. I think you found that out during the recent exchange: one poster in particular who has no concept of the Other; only the Principle of the thing. When that position is extreme (and it only gets more so by being prodded ;), such people appear to prefer forgiveness over permission. That's not what's really happening in their heads: they really did not perceive the social dimension. A lucky few learn that people matter more than ideas. If any of you are NT's, this applies to you. Knowing the Truth isn't everything.
I was one of the original authors of VB, and *I* wouldn't use VB for a text processing program. :-) Michael Geary, on comp.lang.python
Post #125,066
11/11/03 6:37:01 AM

Ashton Ashton Ashton...
Like this forum, the mailing list is an autocracy, not a democracy. It's just that both are run along consensus type guidelines that make them look like a democracy. This is an important detail. Such administration is common, but the nature of it is that excesses are hard to check. I know: I've been there! :-) Twice, in fact... Two hats are not a comfortable fit on my head. One will do.
Peter has summarised admirably. There were actions taken that some took exception to. Sparks flew. Words burned. Chasms uncovered. One decided it was too hot and put some distance between himself and the conflagration. Those fanning flames - yes, *all* involved - should be suitably chastised. It was not a desired outcome.
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #125,117
11/11/03 10:57:54 AM

I thought we were an autonomous collective?
Post #125,119
11/11/03 10:59:36 AM

Altogether now....
..."We're all individuals".
... "I'm not."
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #125,122
11/11/03 11:27:39 AM

Re: Altogether now....
There's always been a "team" in meat helmet.
Did you know "meat helmet" is an anagram for "meet Thelma"?