I mean.. if *even I* can get the technical er 'issues' re NNTP as a damn-well debugged *existing* repository for these kinds of dialogues; if *even I* can see that, creating a GUI for making that basic database ~invisible to the web-browser user.. (and, while it may not be a trivial exercise, is no harder than *THIS* one seems to have been?)

HTF is it that - you Still didn't get that? even though what Scott says here, is ~ the 3rd or 6th time it has been pointed out?

Y'know if you were a bit of a retard and not a putative Pro, well.. it could be laid to short attention span - but this er 'issue' begins to look like willful disregard. On your part.

Could you have failed the CMOS check on startup, the AM you wrote this?

Interested People Want to Know Ltd.